Love,  Photography,  Wedding


Our first (we may travel up to his brother, who took these, to have more done) engagement photo session was taken at/around the park where we initially both really wanted to get married. However, since we’re getting married in the winter, it’s pretty much insane to want to get married in a brick buildling with no glass in the windows and no heat. So we can only dream!

Someone told us that this picture makes us look like a crazy American and a beautiful Italian. (You can guess which is which.)

I personally prefer to think of us as Chuck and Ned. Minus the whole he-touches-her-and-she-dies bit.

I hope you are all having a wonderful week! I really miss taking outfit pictures (it’s been so long since I’ve taken any!) and I’m hoping that now the initial Oh-my-goodness-I’m-getting-married craziness has died down, I’ll have time to start blogging regularly (ish) again.

In other news, Mr. Owl has repeatedly said that after the wedding, he’s going to grow his hair out again. While I didn’t mind his long hair, I am in firm opposition of this plan. There’s just something about this shorter ‘do that just makes my heart stop.



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  • Nancy Francis

    Stunning! What a great location for the photos 🙂 I adore the one with Mr. Owl climbing the frame 🙂

  • tiallarising

    Oh my goodness, you two are so sweet together!! That brick building would be a lovely place to get married, but it’s very true that it wouldn’t be the best place in December. 😉
    And I heartily agree with you – Mr. Owl should keep his hair short. He looks so good with it short!

    So excited for you both!


  • The_Canon_Girl

    The pictures are breathtaking! The lighting is so wonderfully romantic, the colors are perfectly moody and you don’t look overly posy or awkward! TOTAL WIN! 😀 Congratulations on the engagement, you guys are a beautiful couple and you look like pure adorableness! I want your dress and your fiancé’s plaid tie!

  • TJ

    oh gosh, getting married in this beautiful brick building with no windows sounds like a dream, whether in the winter or not. just perfect!
    xo TJ

  • Salazar

    Aww, those pictures are adorable (I love the one with you resting your head on his shoulder. Very caught-in-the-moment but still cute.) And I agree, you guys do look like Ned & Chuck!

  • Jamie Rose

    Ah I’ve missed so much while I’ve been incredibly behind on my blog-reading. Ahhhh! Congratulations! I knew you two would get married. You’re just so adorable together and perfect! Your engagement pictures turned out wonderfully. You look absolutely stunning!
    p.s.: I agree with the short hair!

  • Anita Jacob

    Hi …it’s me Shree (logged in via FB)….aaaaanyways….oh wow..gorgeous pictures and I *totally* would have to agree with you…get Mr. owl to keep the hair short!!!

  • Avra-Sha Faohla

    I totally see the crazy American and beautiful Italian. 😉

    Also, I did notice his shorter hair and like it very much! I think he looks really nice that way. I vote he should keep it short. . . .

  • Sarah With A Bow

    Well, now, here are some adorable photos. My all-time favorite is the one where he is scaling the archway, haha. I feel like your guys’ personalities are really shining through, even if I don’t really know either of you for real. (:

  • Elana Katz

    These pictures are gorgeous! And SERIOUSLY, you guys remind me of Chuck and Ned. I can’t think of another couple I’d want to be compared to…minus the whole he-touches-he-and-she-dies part, of course. But you two are a beautiful couple and these photos are spectacular!

  • sharon lei

    Hi Kristina! I just stumbled across your blog. Firstly, congrats on your engagement! These engagement photos are so adorable. You and your boy are a great looking couple. 🙂 Definitely forward to reading and seeing more posts from you.

    Hope you’re having a lovely day!

    xx Love & Aloha