
Polkadots and Sunshine


You guys, I am a total style thief. I saw Signe Roo’s post wearing this outfit yesterday, and I immediately went home ( well, as soon as I got off work) and changed into as similar an outfit as I could, because I LOVE it. It’s the perfect mix of summer and retro qualities. I couldn’t resist replicating her style.


Of course, I don’t have those fabulous sunglasses or any adorable  booties (not to mention her amazing hair) but for what was just hanging in my closet,  it’s not bad. Right? I’m totally digging the tied-up shirt thing right now.

I can’t wait for spring and summer to come and stay so I can wear more outfits like this, and visit parks, and go on hikes. It’s starting to get slightly warmer and it is so fantastic!


Do you all have any plans for this month? My birthday is on the 27th. I’ll be 25! That seems like such a turning point for some reason, turning 25. I don’t know what I’m doing; Mr. Owl says he has plans, and I know there’s going to be some sort of party for me the next day, but beyond that I’m in the dark! I’m super excited, though. And I have my suspicions that he’s going to get me something off of my Modcloth love list.


PicMonkey Collage


Forever 21: blouse
Target: Flats
Modcloth: Sunnies (gift)
Thrifted: Skirt

Have a fabulous Thursday! It’s almost the weekend!


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