Fashion,  Pregnancy

Not Your Grandma’s Dress


Guys, it happened. I have finally broken down and decided to keep one of the dresses from my shop, and it’s all Gee’s fault. You see, I have had this dress for ages, and I rarely wear it. But the fabric feels so nice, and the pattern and colors are gorgeous so I hung onto it for EVER  until I finally decided… I never wore it, I’d put it in the shop.

But then today, as I was trying to decide what to wear, Gee posted a picture on Instagram wearing THIS DRESS. So I put mine on to show her we had the same vintage dress, and fell in love all over again.


I love the quirky pattern, the pretty colors, and the fact that it has pockets. And it’ll grow with my belly. I think about now it’s time to start keeping any dresses I have that will fit my pregnant belly later. I already can’t wear my pants and shorts any more. Seriously, wore pants to work the other day, and regretted it deeply. I may or may not have sat at my desk with my pants unbuttoned and partially unzipped. The lesson I learned that day? Always sit test your jeans while pregnant. And also, maybe go buy some maternity pants. 


So a few days ago, I sat on my glasses and broke them. Hopefully not irreparably, but enough that I now have Super Mario duct tape holding my glasses together. It’s… nerdy. I don’t care; I tried wearing my other pair for a day, but they gave me a huge headache and made me walk like a drunk person (because the vision is a bit off and everything looks too far away when I look down.) Another life lesson learned: never put your glasses on the bed while doing your makeup.

And also, you know, apparently glasses aren’t sit-on proof.

7 8 9But that’s okay. I think I can fix them with superglue. Maybe.

Or I’ll just have Super Mario duct-taped glasses like a nerd forever. Until I get contacts or new glasses, anyway.


Vintage: dress
Thrifted: Shoes, belt, brooch
Handmade: flower crown

So yesterday, I decided to stop by a local farm-fresh stand (that I adore) for some watermelon. I walked out with green beans, chives, fresh cilantro, tomatoes, apples, peaches, bananas, strawberries, lemons, limes, jicama, onions, and organic grass-fed whole milk… and no watermelon.

I’ll just have to go back today, and I’m sure I’ll end up with another armful of beautiful produce. The fruits and veggies they sell taste WAY better than anything storebought, and it’s much better quality for either the same price or cheaper. (And also: I have gotten “fresh” string beans from a certain grocery store several times, and later found they were wrinkly, tough, and molding. Ew.)

The milk is quite good; I’ve never had organic milk before, so I was really curious to see how it was. I think I’ll be buying it from now on! Flavor wise, it’s just a teensy bit more grassy, and has a creamier tone to it. But it’s definitely better for me, and now that I’m past morning sickness (or all day sickness) I want to focus on feeding myself and the baby as healthy of food as I can.

It doesn’t hurt that I really love produce now.

Anyway! Those are my adventures this week. I hope you all have a wonderful Friday!



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    • Eccentric Owl

      Isn’t it amazing? I think, other than the pockets, the quirky print is one of my favorite aspects of this dress! SO fun.
      We did go back and get a watermelon! I love the farm stand, because they’re open 5 days a week, so it’s easy to go back and get more. Maybe too easy, if I’m craving things, ha!

  • Melissa McBride

    You look great! Love the floral crown. And organic milk is the BEST!! ‘Especially’ if you can get it from a farm- score. It’s great that you want to focus on eating organic/healthy! 🙂

    • Eccentric Owl

      Thank you! I agree; organic milk is so good! I really want to try raw milk as well!
      I’ve always been interested in eating organic, but it’s much easier now that I’m past being pregnant-sick, and also now that I’m married and in charge of the grocery list!

    • Eccentric Owl

      I’m so sad they’re broken; the Mario tape isn’t working so well, but whatever. I’m sure I’ll fix them once I can get the time!
      Thank you, Jessica!

  • Salazar

    Hey, at least you didn’t get your glasses broken by a bully 😛 Or drop them out of your purse and forget them at the movie theater like I did.

    I’m glad you decided to keep the dress! Pocketed dresses are the best.