Fashion,  Pregnancy

Couch Pants


This is my very first pair of maternity pants. And, while I absolutely love them (no buttons!), I have also determined that I probably won’t be buying very many actual maternity garments.



Well. For one, maternity clothes are expensive from actual maternity stores, and mostly ugly or frumpy from thrift stores. For two, why should pregnant women only have the option of  small, medium, or large pants? Do we get more uniform in shape when we’re pregnant? (Answer: no. If anything, we get even more unique and need more specific sizing!) And for three, maternity clothing style seems to be so… tired motherish. Most of the maternity sections in stores are disappointingly small, and contain clothes of boring colors and somewhat dated (as in… no offense, but my mom would wear that (I love you mom!)) patterns. Motherhood is the only maternity store I’ve been to that had some fun prints, but even then there were only one or two garments I liked.


So I will continue to make stretchy dresses, long shirts, and retro styles work for me as long as I can. And wish that I lived in the UK so I could shop from New Look’s amazingly cute maternity section.  (I want this. And this. So badly.) (EDIT: I just discovered THEY DO!!! We’re about to get some cute maternity here.)

But also, maternity clothes are weird. Especially these pants. I mean:


It’s like they’re giving you a preview as to what it will be like when you don’t have a belly button. The comfort of these maternity pants is wonderful, but I do have to wear longer shirts than normal, which is difficult. I don’t have a lot of tops as it is, and the ones I do I’ve never had to worry about length because I’ve always worn them with skirts.

I sense a massive shopping trip is going to have to be made in the very near future.


So, I’m really excited that my guest post yesterday on Selective Potential (I can’t wait to see the other guest posts!) introduced a few more Washington bloggers to my knowledge, and I have been thinking about making a Washington-blogger link-up page. I absolutely love reading local fashion/lifestyle blogs, and I have started to make a little list in my daily reads (Marlen, Elizabeth, and Becca are some favorites), but I’d LOVE to know if you’re a Washington blogger, and what your blog is! Look for that page to go up in the near future(read: maybe tomorrow, maybe a few weeks).

I’m also excited to just find more blogs to read in general! I’ve been working on visiting every blog from the comments yesterday, and it’s lovely to “meet” more bloggers via reading their blogs and seeing all of the beautiful and diverse styles of the blogger universe!

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One of my brother’s friends said these pants have the exact same pattern as a couch his parents had when he was a kid. So now all I can think is that they’re couch pants. Which fits, you know, since they’re comfortable and I can be totally lazy in them. But it makes me laugh!


Pants: Motherhood (bought on sale, no longer available)
Top: The Jean Girl
Heels and belt: Thrifted
Necklace: Target

I have started to get so much rounder in the belly lately! I love it! Although, the baby has decided to settle right on top of my bladder, which makes it difficult to sit for long periods of time. And it also means I have a lot of emergency bathroom trips. Ah, the joys of pregnancy! Haha!

I do love it, though. I think all of the morning sickness and exhaustion-induced throwing up has started to pass, and I’m able to enjoy things a lot more!

I hope you are all having an absolutely beautiful Wednesday!


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  • Becca Lee

    Those pants are adorable and hilarious (that waistband! So practical, yet so entertaining!). Love your top, too.

    I’d love it if you did a Washington blogger link up! I always love finding more local blogs! Also, thank you so much for mentioning mine in this post! You = the best!

    Ladyface Blog

    • Eccentric Owl

      Isn’t the waistband weird? Maternity pants are SO STRANGE. But hey, at least they’re comfortable! Haha! And floral. I like floral.

      I just finished up the page! You can link up now if you want to, or I’m also going to introducte/mention it in tomorrow’s post. But seriously, I LOVE your blog, and it makes it even better that you live in Washington!

  • Rubee Best

    I’m having the same problem with maternity clothes! I love in the UK and most of the stuff I find is black, denim, grey or white and centered around jeans, plain trousers/pants and boring tops! New look and asos have has the best finds. Topshop have really cute vintage style maternity tea dresses but they’re so expensive for something I will only wear for a few months. I’m surprised you can only get small/medium/large in trousers. In the uk everything I have seen so far has been in proper sizes and as someone who rarely wears jeans I’ve found maternity ones to fit me so much better than regular ones! X

    • Eccentric Owl

      I know, isn’t it frustrating? At least online stores have more interesting maternity clothes! I might have to make myself start sewing and just make clothes to wear once I get big enough that regular dresses don’t fit!
      I really don’t understand why in the US the maternity pants are only small/medium/large. Doesn’t make ANY sense! I did notice that Asos sells actual sizes of maternity pants, which is wonderful. I’ll probably shop there a ton!

  • Salazar

    My sister never wore any maternity clothes when she was pregnant with my niece, but then again she was tiny so she could get away with it. Why do you have to bother with pants anyway? Can’t you get dresses and skirts a size bigger and wear the waistband above your belly?

    • Eccentric Owl

      Haha, yeah. I’m destined to be huge (belly wise); it runs in the family! I think very late in the pregnancy, normal clothes might not work unless I just get maxi dresses, and I’m not too fond of maxi dresses. So I like to keep an eye out for good maternity stores/sites, because I know I’ll need it someday! But I still plan to thrift lots of stretchy/longer dresses with higher waistlines until I can no longer make that work for me!
      Haha, pants: my husband likes me to wear them occasionally. So I do. 😉

  • Marlen

    Haha those pants are sooo weird lookin at the waist, and I totally agree with yo about maternity wear. Whenever I see specific sections for it, none of it is especially cute or pretty. Though oooh did you check Target? Once I bought a maternity dress from there because it was so pretty haha. And that’s so funny your brother’s friend had a couch with that pattern. It’s still pretty though, so his parents had good taste picking it out 😉

    And yaaay you’re one of my favorite blogs, too 🙂

    xo marlen
    Messages on a Napkin

  • Jamie Rose

    I think these pants look so cute on you! Maternity pants are a bit weird design-wise, but they look super comfy! I love how this mint green crochet top looks with the floral print in these pants. That really sucks that so many places have frumpy maternity styles still. Have you checked out Target? Sometimes I see some cute stuff in their maternity section. And has a maternity section too.