Fashion,  Pregnancy

Owl Love You Forever


Fashion & Faith

I made an album on Facebook yesterday called “Crazy Thrifted Buys” because yesterday at the thrift store, I bought three things that my husband would undoubtedly roll his eyes at: this vintage 70’s gown(which I adore regardless), this early 60’s shift (which is just random and I couldn’t resist), and the dress I am wearing… which was once a kind of hideous 80’s romper. DIY post will be forthcoming later.But you guys, the more pregnant I get, the heavier my addiction to pure vintage craziness grows. I see things on the rack and think “Oh, that looks insane, I’m going to try it on!”

I just don’t show you the things that are truly hideous. Haha!2 I love that pregnancy and blogging have made me more open to trying on clothes that, a few years ago, I wouldn’t have even given two seconds’ notice in looking for something to cover my body. I’ve gotten so much braver (and more insane, ha!) in what I like to wear, and in feeling like I can wear whatever I want. Of course, I definitely want to wear clothes that my husband likes, but sometimes (as with the 70’s coral gown) I ignore his opinion because dressing up like a 70’s housewife just makes me laugh.3 I think his is about the only opinion that I truly take in. I haven’t come across anyone heavily criticizing my clothing choices yet, though. I’m sure if I did, I wouldn’t know what to say. Except… you know… “at least it’s not you in these clothes…?”

PicMonkey Collage

So Oasap sent me this impossibly cute Owl Purse, which I personally think looks like a fox… but wholly adore. To pieces. I will be carrying this darling purse until the straps break off and the ears tear. It has no compartments, which might be an issue for some people, but I never actually use compartments in purses so it’s PERFECT for me.

Plus, it’s an owl. Seriously, have you seen anything cuter?

5 I am almost as in love with that purse as I am with my incredibly active little man, who greets me every morning by pressing himself against the right side of my belly and making it look like an alien is about to explode from my stomach.

I can’t wait to see his little face and smush his cheeks and nibble on his fingers and toes. Sometimes, I get so overwhelmed with love it’s impossible to breathe. I’m so excited to be a mother! Four more months, and he’ll be in my arms and grossing out his daddy with burp ups and dirty diapers.

It’s going to be great.

8 910 Ah, babies. Babies and owl purses, the things that really get me excited.

And now I’d better be off to help my mom make peach jam. I can’t wait until all of my canning adventures are complete so that I can do a little post to show you how productive I’ve been. We’re waiting on the pickles, which have to ferment for a week more before we can jar them. I think they’ll be delicious!

4  Vintage Dress | Target Tights and Earrings | Thrifted Belt and Boots | Cartoon Owl Head Shoulder Bag c/o Oasap

I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday!


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