Fashion,  Pregnancy

Where the wild roses grow

I think I am now addicted to head accessories, you guys. Wearing the one hat has just led to this feeling that no outfit is quite complete without something on my head. And I love it, because it’s also pushing my style back towards the more retro feel (and sometimes full-out 1950’s) that I really love.I’ve always had this huge struggle with settling into just one style, mostly because I look at other bloggers and think “Oh, I love her sense of style, maybe I should try that!” But this week I’ve realized that I just feel the best when I’m dressed in something that looks very retro, regardless of how fun more modern styles might be. I’m just more in my element with vintage style.10

And it makes me happier, and I don’t get all worried that it’s not quite working right (you guys, I have no idea how to style pants, and I don’t think I ever will), and it’s more flattering on my body type (for the most part. I can’t do super full skirts while pregnant, but this one falls closer to the body and works better.)

I think this is finally the moment where I sit back and make the decision to stick with a retro/vintage style. Not that I won’t still have my modern moments, or modern elements in vintage outfits, but I don’t think I’ll try so hard to dress in something boho or grunge just because I see someone else wearing it.

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I love, love, LOVE the colors in this outfit. I got this dress from Bridgetown Vintage, back when Sarah from Just Take a Bow had a vintage shop, and I haven’t worn it in so long. I’m not sure why! I used to think that it would be best for spring, but now I think it’s better for fall. There’s just something so perfect for the season about it!

And tights: does anyone know a good place to get colorful maternity tights? My regular tights are mostly getting too tight around the waist, and all the maternity tights I’ve found online are gray or black. And despite the weird neutrals phase I’ve been going through, I still need colorful tights.

I need to make a few more flower crowns; they’re super easy to make (sharing a DIY on Becca’s blog sometime soon!), and they add so much! I might start experimenting with adding veils and maybe making more fascinator-type headwear.

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These shoes are so sadly dying. They have this huge hole in the seam that lets water in, and they’re wearing thin all over. I really should toss them, but it’s so hard to let go of cute shoes, especially when they look (or are, not sure) vintage like these, and were once comfortable before they started to wear out.

I have such a hard time getting rid of stuff. Which is probably why my closet is really stuffed. Oops!

Handmade flower crown | Vintage dress | Thrifted heels | Target tights and belt

I hope you all have a fantastic Friday!


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  • Lyndsey

    I think it’s so fun that you’re adventuring into your style choices! I really would love to dress vintage (around 40s-50s) but I get what you’re saying about certain styles fitting your body type better. I think the 70s style fits my body type because of the wispy/flowy garments. I think I have an apple/hourglass shape i guess (is that even possible? haha). my legs are toned but my upper arms/back/stomach are definitely not, but my waist cinches in like an hourglass. My body shape is confusing and I really wish I could find things that fit me better! but anyways! you look absolutely gorgeous little mami! i think your pregnancy style is the bomb. xoxoxo

    • Eccentric Owl

      I definitely know what you mean about having an apple/hourglass figure; I have a sort of.. pear/hourglass, because my hips and butt are fairly curvacious, I have a really small waist, and my shoulders and hips are about the same width… but I’ve never had the chest to make it all even. It can definitely be tricky to find flattering styles! Everyone has a different shape, though. I can totally see you in 70’s styles! I think they would really suit you!
      Thank you! I’m having SO much fun with style right now. I hope it doesn’t stop after I have the baby (or after 2-3 kids).

  • Mom

    I used to wear Q sized nylons when i was preggo. I think that you should try and see if that would work for you in tights.

  • Rubee Best

    I’m really struggling with tights too. I miss my coloured and patterned tights now my bump is too big for them. I’ve been embracing jeans a lot more since being pregnant because I’ve actually found that maternity ones fit me better but I will always be a vintage dress girl at heart. It’s just what I feel most comfortable in. X

  • Hannah Gottlieb-Graham

    I love your tights and flower crown! Your blog is beautiful.

    Xo, Hannah

  • Amia

    I love this outfit! I agree with the wanting to be consistently retro but falling into trying other styles. I do that all the time, I’ll try to buy some modern pieces and style a modern outfit and I like it really for the first hour and then I start to feel uncomfortable and missing my retro vibe. I think it helps to start to get rid of modern pieces, I’ve been slowly doing this (down to one pair of skinny jeans!) and resisting buying the “trendy” stuff.
    -much love,