Fashion,  Pregnancy

Maroon, love, and baby names

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If you missed it on Instagram yesterday, I posted baby Owl’s first and middle initials, which are A and R, to see what people would guess his name was going to be. My favorite guesses were Atticus Rex, Aragorn Romulus, and my friend who said “The scientific name of the Unspotted Saw-Whet Owl is Aegolius Ridgwayi. Guys… I figured it out”

And, of course, with Mr. Owl’s family, as soon as we gave the initials one of his sisters guessed the first name right away, and I discovered that my husband does NOT have a poker face. He turns bright red. It’s pretty funny!


But his actual name is Asa Reuben. Asa, which means doctor (I am very much into what names mean!), is my husband’s middle name. He first suggested it about three or four months ago, when we were getting more serious about finding a name. We had already sort of come upon his middle name, which at the time we were going to use for his first name, but once the husband suggested Asa, I just thought Asa Reuben was the name.

And, of course, I totally had a moment where I asked the baby what he thought, and then I cried.


Reuben, though, took me a little while to agree on! Solely because first, Mr. Owl told me he’d heard this comedian say “Yeah, your first child you name something really special, but by the last one you’re just ‘yeah, you were named after a sandwich I ate'” and then he suggested Reuben.

And I was just like… um… I don’t want to name our kid after a sandwich.

But then I got home, and we looked it up, and it means “behold, a son!”, and once I knew the meaning, the beginnings of the name sort of wore off. I’ve always wanted a son first, ever since I was little, plus everyone thought Asa was going to be a girl. So to me, it’s special now!

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We’ll probably call him Ace for a nickname. I can’t exactly say for short, because, you know, you can’t shorten Asa much. Haha! But we’re pronouncing it “Ace-uh” like the king in the Bible, and my husband cannot resist nicknames. Plus, I think Ace is a pretty cute nickname.

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The outfit, by the way, is what I wore for Thanksgiving. Stretchy, comfortable, and not too warm because I get really hot when I eat.

I have also worn this dress about five times since I bought it. I love it that much. It’s SO comfortable!


I had better get going! My husband is anxious to get out and about, since he doesn’t have to work today and it’s Black Friday and I’ve never been Black Friday shopping, so we’re going to wander a few stores so that I can see what the hype is all about.


Target Maternity dress | Graphic Batwing cardigan c/o Oasap (it’s on sale for $19 right now!) | JC Penney motorcycle boots

I hope you all have a wonderful day, and a good weekend!


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These pictures were taken by my husband.