30 Day Challenges,  Fashion,  Pregnancy


1Dressember Days11

Oh, my goodness, it is COLD. When I took these pictures on Wednesday, I was only outside for about fifteen minutes. But by the time I got done, my fingers were so cold I could barely move them, I had goosebumps all over, and my nose had started to run from the bite of the wind. I absolutely love this weather, though! It’s been so beautifully sunny and frosty, and the world just sparkles every time I go outside!

I’m so proud of myself this week for having taken daily pictures. I think participating in Dressember has been really helpful; now, I won’t miss a chance to go out and get pictures if it’s not raining, because I know the rains will come back and it’s nice to have a backup of posts!


I felt like a doll in this dress. Technically right now it’s more of a… vest-ish tunic, because it’s a vintage wrap dress and it just doesn’t close over my stomach, so I have to wear a skirt beneath it. But once Asa comes, I’ll be able to wear it normally, and it will secretly be a great nursing dress because the only closure is at the neck.

Which gets scary in the wind, but you know. Belted, it’s pretty secure.

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This is what I love about fashion: one day, I can wear something completely crazy like that 80’s paisley dress, and the next I can get all dolled up in something much more sophisticated like this, and nobody cares! Well, okay, that’s probably partially because I work from home so I don’t actually see people throughout the day except for my husband… but still. Five years ago I had no idea how much fun clothes could be.

And it’s funny, five years ago I would never have thought that I’d be running a fashion blog. Five years ago I had just lost a bunch of weight and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I remember struggling with the baggy jeans that wouldn’t stay up, and being too shy to wear pretty things every day because nobody else did…


… it’s a good thing I changed. Haha! A little over five years ago my husband (who I only vaguely knew back then as just being one of the many Suko boys) was not interested in me in the least. Apparently he remembers me back then as being chubby and tomboyish. I… don’t actually remember him at all. Even though our church had a game night at our house and he was there, and apparently I had given everyone a tour of the farm my family lived on. I seriously have no memory of him previous to seeing him at church two years ago in his bright green pants. And even then, all I thought was “Oh, those are cool pants.” Hah!

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But now here we are, and this weekend is our one-year wedding anniversary! Technically it’s on Sunday, but we’re celebrating on Saturday. I have no idea what we’re doing; he keeps asking if he should tell me his plans, and then deciding to keep it a secret. The only thing he told me was that I might have to get up early, in which case I can sleep in the car on the way to wherever we’re going. I told him I didn’t care what we did so long as part of the day was romantic (because yes, I thrive on romance sometimes), so I’m VERY curious to see what his plans are!

And thankfully, I don’t feel as pregnant as I thought I would by this time. I was expecting 34 weeks of pregnancy (that’s 8-1/2 months, for those of you that have never been pregnant — I never got the weeks thing till I knew the average pregnancy is 40 weeks) to be much harder than it has been. So far, the worst thing is still the groin soreness, which makes it hard to turn over in bed (and now my hips pop every time I turn over), and sometimes means it’s painful to stand up after sitting for a long time, especially if I was sitting on something hard.


Vintage thrifted dress {Similar}, thrifted flats {Similar} and belt {Similar} | Target Tights | Vintage hand-me-down clutch | Leaf bracelet c/o Oasap

I am so excited for Saturday, though! I’m trying not to have any expectations, since I have no idea what he’s doing and I don’t want to build myself up thinking it’s one thing and then get disappointed, but still… whatever happens, it will be fun. We haven’t gone on an adventure in a while, so even if all we do is wander some old town, it will be great!

I also can’t WAIT to give him his present. I had no idea what to get him until I saw it, and then it was just… perfect. Hopefully he thinks so, too!

Do any of you have fun plans for the weekend?

I hope you all have a wonderful Friday!


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  • Myranda Walno

    You are so creative! I would’ve never thought to put a skirt under the dress… It’s good you’re thinking ahead to nursing- friendly clothes. I wish I had more so I could break out of the wardrobe rut I’m in…

  • Sarah With A Bow

    I know I haven’t been here much (broken computer, sickness, tired, blahblah) but I’ve been stalking you, mostly on Instagram. You are quite the stylish momma-to-be, you know? And I had fun reading this post because I never realized you and Mr. Owl had known each other as long as you have (even if you hilariously don’t remember).

  • Marla Rogers

    Ok sorry for being totally absent the past while…I just got caught up in busy-ness! But seriously you are SO GORGEOUS. My favorite fashion blogger. This dress is AMAZING, I love the collar, it’s perfect. And I LOVEEEE how you styled your hair! Did you pin it that way or is it just over your shoulder?

  • Jamie Rose

    I’m late seeing this post, but anyway…
    I know exactly what you mean about fashion being so much fun. I like that I can change my look from day to day. If I’m feeling girly, I’ll wear girly clothes. If I want to be ultra 80s, I’ll do that! It’s wonderful.
    I love that you were able to style up this wrap dress by layering a skirt underneath. Wrap dresses are so versatile. You’ll definitely get plenty of use out of it while breastfeeding. I think those red tights look wonderful with it and I love your houndstooth flats too. It’s amazing how many things go with houndstooth flats, but I especially love them with red tights.