Fashion,  Pregnancy

The End of an Era

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Well, you guys, this is it! This will be my last outfit post before Asa is born. My last outfit post before I take some maternity leave from the blog for two weeks. The last time you’ll see me (other than on Instagram, which I can’t quit, haha!) before I have an actual, real baby in my arms. I can’t believe it! Even after nine months of preparation, it just doesn’t seem real. I’m sitting here impatient for him to come, but at the same time… I have no idea what it’s going to be like when he’s really here.


I will definitely be sharing a picture of him when he does come, via probably every social media thing I’m connected to; I can’t resist. But in the meantime I have a few of my favorite bloggers scheduled to guest post for me, to keep you all entertained, and I’m still working on a few round-up posts, and I have one or two other posts that I’m working frantically to get done and scheduled before my due date on Wednesday… so hopefully things will still keep moving until I come back in February!


I do finally feel ready to have a baby, thankfully. When he dropped on the last day of vacation (January 4th) and I was feeling mild cramping all day that day, I felt so panicked! I did not feel ready to have him just yet at ALL, even though I would have loved for him to be early, so I am glad that he’s waited. But now, I am totally just ready, waiting, and impatient. I had two days worth of cramping again on Thursday and Friday, and a little bit into Saturday, but it died down. The last few days definitely feel the longest!

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I felt a little bit over-the-top wearing this, but hey. Go out with a bang, right? I needed to wear this gorgeous dress from Better Dresses Vintage just one more time before the baby, because it might be a while before I get to wear it again with nursing and all (it zips up the back), and two days ago in a cleaning frenzy (nesting finally hit me, four days before my due date, ha!) I counted all of my headscarves and realized… I have thirty of them. Thirty headscarves and I rarely wear any of them.

So after fiddling around with this silk floral one for a while, I finally decided to tie it in a ridiculous bow around my head just to see if it would work… and realized I loved it. It might be a little bit Carmen Miranda, but I don’t even care!

I’ve added another resolution to my list: wear more of my silk scarves. They’re fantastic for keeping my hair out of the way, and with a little baby around I’ll definitely need a fun way to do that!


Vintage dress c/o Better Dresses Vintage | Thrifted silk scarf | gift earrings | Target tights | Modcloth Beets Me Wedge

Two days. Two days until he’s expected, and here’s me hoping he comes a day early — because 1-14-14 would be a great birth date to have, just because — or on time. Mostly because I’m really excited for this new journey of motherhood, and partly because I finally have had one pregnancy symptom I cannot stand– itchiness all over. And I’d like to be done with that.

I hope you all have a fantastic few weeks until I come back! I promise to share a picture of him when he is born at least via Instagram, if not via the blog or Facebook.

I can’t wait!


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