The great indoors
 It’s been incredibly rainy for the past few days, so I gave in and decided to do an indoor shoot. But, since our house is tiny and the only good lighting is in the upstairs hallway — which is itty bitty– I can’t really get great pictures. Oh, well! I like this outfit too much to not share it!
I thrifted the shirt and the skirt — which you’ll know if you follow my Instagram (@owleccentric) — the first time I’ve gotten to go to Goodwill in what seems like forever! I haven’t thrifted any skirts in a very long time, since pregnancy prevented me from wearing most of them anyway.Â
This headband was sent to me by a dear friend who has just started a beautiful Etsy shop, and I’m SO behind in posting it! She makes gorgeous custom headbands as well as lots of other fun stuff, and I have quite a few little items she sent me in a gift package that are so delightful. I have to get around to photographing them to share!
But she creates custom headpieces, so if you’re looking to find a beautiful one like this, look no further! I adore this headpiece so much! It’s really sturdy, and the ribbon she used is a nice one that grips just slightly so there’s no slipping around when you tie it on!
Now you can see how beautiful my legs are after pregnancy. All of those scars are from PUPPS, which didn’t actually show up as a rash until AFTER I had Asa; for those of you that don’t know what PUPPS is, it’s basically hormones going crazy and making your whole body itch, and it usually happens to first-time moms of boys.
But hey, I got through pregnancy with no stretch marks and only two pounds of personal weight gain, so I am totally okay with suffering that instead. The scars will fade and go away once summer comes and I get a bit of a tan, and it’s not like I don’t already have a bunch of marks on my legs from general escapades of summer (like, you know, climbing trees, destroying blackberry bushes, general clumsiness…).
Thrifted blouse and vintage skirt | Kohl’s heels | Headband c/o House to Home by J&S
I hope you all had a good weekend! I’m going to work on getting my own little shop open soon; I have a stock of vintage – mostly 70’s-90’s skirts – that I need to photograph and post, but I haven’t quite figured out a nice way to do that yet, what with our house being so small and having only one space with good lighting.
Any suggestions on photographing items to sell? I’ve already gotten some advice from those of you who think it’s best to photograph the item on its own, but have one example outfit picture. Now I just need to figure out what looks best for photographing the item on its own!
So many things to do. But I don’t mind! I love doing that sort of thing.
Happy Monday!
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That is a gorgeous top and skirt. Man, every time you post your finds it only makes me miss thrifting more than ever!
As for photographing items on their own, I would suggest finding a clean, simple background to hang it on and shooting it from multiple angles so we can see the item better.
Rya Pie
Hi Kristina! I’ve been following you for awhile and I just wanted you to know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award because I love your blog and how much you share your life with us all. There’s no need to participate, but here’s the link in case you do <3 Rya
Adorbs! 🙂 That head band is lovely, and the bow on that top is so cute! Hmm, I was wondering about those bruises on your legs, but didn’t want to be rude. Huh, I learned something ELSE new about pregnancy. Like you said, a small price to pay compared to how blessed you were in other areas. Good luck with the shop! 🙂
Brigitte Hamilton
I think it’s cutest to hang something on a fake clothesline with clothespins ( or a real one ). You can see the full product, it’s seems cute and vintagy, and almost any outdoor background will do.
Marla Rogers
LOVEEE that floral headband! You’re so gorgeous…I adore this look and I’m so excited for you to style all those 70s-90s goodies :]
I love how the shirt and shoes almost perfectly match. And the headband is definitely gorgeous. 🙂
I’ve been looking up on all the possible changes (temporary or permanent) that can affect your body after pregnancy, just so I’m prepared, but hadn’t heard of this one (I’m also having a boy). Good to know! And you really look great otherwise, for a brand new mom (considering all the changes a baby brings to your body *and* your life).
Becca Lee
Man, it has been rainy lately! The sunshine today was VERY welcome. I love this outfit- the shoes are particularly lovely. Also, that flower crown! It’s lovely! Good luck getting your stuff photographed. I have no idea what size you are, but if you’re anywhere near mine, I will be checking out those skirts for sure!
Becca | Ladyface Blog
I love your whole outfit, the berry skirt and you beautiful floral headpiece match perfectly! Indoor photos are kind of sad but it’s winter, what are ya gonna do? You still look great! As for photographing clothes for your shop, I always really like when there are a few detail shots as well as one outfit shot. The outfit shot gives me an idea of how the piece would actually look on because sometimes clothes look much different on the hanger than on a person!
I really love your outfits they are really cute! Your legs are amazing inner beauty is what counts most and the outer part is just the shell of whats inside.