Island Girl
I have been meaning to blog this skirt for ages and ages now; I found it at least two months ago, but for some reason it’s never worked out to take outfit pictures when I was wearing it! It almost didn’t work out last week,either, because the sun was still a bit high for good pictures, but there was shade in the water, so… I sacrificed having shoes for these pictures. Haha!
This skirt is on my list of clothing to take to Hawaii when we go back (because it’s a very tropical skirt, and I’m totally going to go in all theme-ish dress), along with this dress, and the dress I got in Hawaii on our honeymoon, and another dress I just picked up at the thrift store that has parrots and tropical flowers all over it. I didn’t mean to take a week away from blogging, but I just realized it has been that long since my last post. This last weekend was full of business; my husband’s full set of siblings were all in the states at the same time — a rare occurrence, since two of them are missionaries to Ukraine, and one lives in California — so we spent most of the weekend hanging out, going to parks, celebrating birthdays, and just enjoying being in a house full of 36 people (Seriously. 19 grandkids, 8 siblings, 7 spouses, and 2 parents. And a baby on the way. There’s a lot of them.)
It was so much fun, but also… man, that many people, especially when the majority is kids, can wear you out! I’ll miss being able to see my Ukrainian nieces and nephews, though. It’s been awesome getting to know them, and some of them will be going back to Ukraine on Monday, which makes me sad! It’s also been really wonderful getting to know my brother-in-law Caleb and his wife (who shares the same name as me, so sometimes it gets confusing). I really love my husband’s family; they’re all pretty amazing. (By the way, my brother-in-law wrote a book that is now available on Amazon, about worry. You should check it out!)
I’m glad my sister-in-law will still be here until she has her baby in December. Asa loves her, and it’s so nice to spend time with her and her husband and their three kids. I can’t wait to meet number four– we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, and the whole family is rooting for a girl. The girl grandkids are seriously outnumbered 2-1, and most of them are missionary kids so they live the majority of the time in Ukraine.
I’m hoping that when Mr. Owl and I have another baby, it’ll be a girl. But, with my three brothers and his four brothers, not to mention how many grandkids are boys, it might be a slim chance! But, we’ll see! I’ve gotten to the point now where I miss being pregnant, and am getting excited to have more kids once Asa is a year or two old. Then again, I also really love being able to wear clothes I had to give up for nine months, and IÂ miss my plaid skirts… and that’s totally a shallow reason to wait, but uh… there it is. Mostly, I want to enjoy Asa in all of his babyhood before we get into it all over again.
I do miss pregnancy fashion, though. That was fun.
Tank top: Target | Skirt, thrifted | Hat, Hawaii flea market | Necklace, grandma’s
I hope you are all having a good week! I’m working hard on writing, posting the rest of My Beloved’s chapters, and thinking of a good subject to talk about with the next writing video. Which needs to happen soon.
Happy Thursday!
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you are so lucky you get along with your in-laws, I wish I had a better relationship with mine :/ Anyways that’s a very cute outfit, the skirt is gorgeous! 🙂
Eccentric Owl
I know, I am so blessed to have great in-laws! I hope your relationship with yours improves over time!
lorna mai
These pictures are stunning especially with the sunlight streaming down. The red suits your skin tone and your gorgeous peacock skirt is such fun!
Eccentric Owl
Thank you!
God Life Happy Wife
Hi Kristina I’m so glad to find your blog via the Ruby Girl link up. This look is beautiful. I love midi skirts and this one is very eye catching with the bright colors and flowers. I also like the hat. You definitely look like you belong on an island in the sun. I would love to invite you to join the #WhatWivesWearLinkUp. If you are interested we link up every Thursday at I hope you can join us. Have a great weekend! ~Sherri
Eccentric Owl
Hi Sherri! Thank you! I would love to link up!
That skirt is gorgeous! It’ll be perfect for Hawaii!
Kendra Castillo
Love this look and your pictures are stunning! Your making me miss my Washington roots 🙂
Catching up on your posts- this is a such a cute, casual look. I love the swoosh of colors on that white skirt! You make me want to buy a floppy hat now. 🙂 I am always getting ideas from you, and you inspire me to be more bold and original in my clothing expression. 🙂 Thanks for being brave and beautiful.