October 1st
I really, really wanted to do a first of October post, and it looks like I am just barely making it! I tried today, really I did, haha! But Asa is teething, and has been unusually clingy today. Which I don’t mind at all; that just meant I didn’t shower until he took his very short nap this morning, and then I spent most of the day between watching him and photographing more vintage items to go up in the shop, so I didn’t have time to snap actual outfit pictures until my husband got home. Isn’t this sweater just perfect for fall? I saw it and I HAD to have it; I was worried that it would be gone by the time I was able to get one for myself, but luckily there still seem to be plenty; it’s on sale right now, too, which is fantastic!
The house we are staying at has such great landscape and buildings for outfit photos! There are these great old fence posts everywhere, a bunch of deciduous trees dropping orange leaves, and a cute little red barn with some weathered fencing in it. I can’t wait to get back into the rhythm of outfit photos; it’s a bit harder here, because the house is further away from everything and I don’t have the fallback of my mom in the house while Asa is napping. But I’ll get used to it!
I am so excited for October! Is anyone else really excited? I’m hoping to go to a pumpkin patch and corn maze, and I’m looking forward to more tights and sweaters (our summer is running so late; I’ve been wearing lots of fall-ish clothing, but it’s still too warm to really wear sweaters during the day. Sigh) and apple cider and chilly nights!
Right now I am doing the Whole30; for about two weeks I had been eating whatever I felt like, which meant a lot of chocolate, a lot of wheat, and a lot of dairy, and I had a few really, really bad aftereffects (like, we’re talking if these things had continued for any longer than a day, I would have taken myself to a doctor) and realized that it’s just not worth it to have dairy and wheat and legumes any more. So I’m back to Paleo, and with the exception of a wholly Paleo smoothie here and there, I am going by Whole30 rules until October 29.
And it’s crazy; it’s only been three days (I started on the 29th of September), but I am already feeling so much better. Especially when I wake up; I think that’s always the first thing I notice when I clean out my diet and just eat Paleo. When I eat wheat products, I tend to wake up SUPER groggy, and it takes me a good hour to fully wake up (along with several cups of coffee). But now that I’ve nixed bad things from what I’m eating, I wake up and am not groggy within five minutes of waking. It’s so, so nice to not feel gross when you wake up! Totally changes how the day goes.
I’ve also felt a whole lot less irritable, and I’m not getting tired midafternoon. And I’m just happier overall! It’s amazing what food does for you… or takes away from you!
Cardigan, necklace, lipstick, and gloss c/o Oasap | boots, JC Penny | headscarf, Modcloth | shirt, thrifted
Well, my husband and I are off to continue our way through season 1 of Doctor Who. I finally convinced him he really needed to watch Doctor 9, after having watched all of 10 and 11, and being introduced to 12 (what do you guys think of 12? I wasn’t sure at first, but the more I see him, the more I like him! I especially love that he’s a little scary sometimes), and now he’s hooked.
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful day!
Happy October!!!
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That necklace is great! Good for you- I know what you mean about eating healthy– I almost always end up doing a couple juice fasts and other cleansing diets and herb routines during the fall/winter. I feel so much better for doing them, but it can be hard on the schedule and pocketbook. 🙁
Perfect fall outfit! I’m super jealous of your fall weather of course, it’s still annoyingly warm over here…
Also, Nine is, and always will be, my Doctor, so I wholeheartedly approve of your plan to watch his season. A lot of people dismiss him because he just got the one season, but they forget that he paved the way for the new Who.
Damaris / The cat, you and us
I’m loving your hair color so much. The cape cardigan is so cute and so is your headscarf styling. I have Doctor Who in my watchlist, I’ve seen several random episodes and definitely caught my attention.
Sarah Whiting
Oh I love your leaf necklace!