

Ladylike | www.eccentricowl.comLadylike | Right now, I am reading two books set in a Victorian-ish era– Behind the Shattered Glass, and Mansfield Park and Mummies. And then I’ve got four books waiting for me at the library, of varying eras. You guys. Four  books. All in all, that’s six books to read in five weeks. I didn’t really expect a few of the books I put on hold to actually come in so fast, but… here they all are! So you can expect a few book reviews/inspired outfits, because… books. So many of them.  Ladylike | I used to read all the time, and write all the time, but then all of the sudden I got too busy and I stopped, and it clogged up my creative flow as well. I sincerely believe that the greatest thing you can do as a writer is read. If you’re not feeding your brain what it craves – in my case, words – then how do you expect it to produce anything? I’m really enjoying my journey back into the world of books, and I loved getting so many suggestions on my last book review post! Thank you! If you guys have any other suggestions, let me know — but first, head over to my Goodreads profile to make sure you don’t suggest something I’ve read or plan to read. Ladylike | Today’s outfit was inspired by Katie’s simple and darling look… in that it’s just a sweater, a skirt, and some heels. I loved the simplicity of her outfit, and I seriously want that cat sweater… but I have nothing like that in my wardrobe, so out came my best red sweater to go with this skirt that is possibly my favorite.

Wait. Who am I kidding, all of my skirts that twirl are my favorites. Not going to lie, I have a serious twirly-skirt addiction. Ladylike | www.eccentricowl.comLadylike | It seems I just barely caught the perfect timing today in taking pictures; it was raining hard when I woke up, and then right as I got done, the rain came again. This is what fall is like in my area… rain and clouds. All the time. Well… most of the time. Plus, it’s dark at 7am now, and gets dark early. I love fall, but the two things I would wish away would be the less daylight, and how many spiders have invaded the house. Ladylike | Ladylike | Asa has been sick this week; he got what I had over the weekend, so now his nose is stuffy and he’s not napping very well. I hadn’t realized how much peace a 1-1/2 hour nap gave me during the day, even just one, until he started waking up after thirty  minutes. But he’s mostly happy, so it’s okay.

And he thinks that the nasal respirator is really funny, which is good; most babies hate those things. He just wants to chew on it, and have it blow air in his face. And when I wipe his nose with a tissue, he laughs. Ladylike |

Sweater, Forever 21 | skirt, vintage (similar) | brooch and booties, thrifted

Are you happy it’s Friday? I am. Tonight we have a birthday party to go to, and then tomorrow… who knows. In the drizzly cold weather like this, I just want to stay home and read books or watch movies. And right now, we’re pretty tight on money because I’m on a break from work, so we can’t really go many places.

I found this great list of cheap or free date night suggestions, though, so we’ll have to try some of those!

Happy Friday!

P.S. don’t forget to enter the cardigan giveaway!

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  • Salazar

    Oh dear, they’re still doing those Jane Austen + monster books? The first one is funny, but it just got a bit repetitive after that. And I don’t know what you’re worrying about, six books in five weeks seem totally doable to me. I love having that stack of books on my bedside table.

    It’s a lovely fall outfit, btw đŸ™‚

  • Sarah Atkinson

    I agree, reading really helps getting the creativity flowing. Good luck reading all of those books! I find I start to read more when the weather gets cooler. I love that red sweater, it looks so good styled with that skirt. Great post.


  • Heather Gwinn

    Love your cute outfit. Especially the little broach.

    Reading two book at once!? I know a lot of people do that but I seem to stubbornly stick to one at a time. I’d probably get lost between the two if I did lol! I used to read all the time but I usually slow down come summer time. Currently I’m reading Mortal Instruments again so I can get caught up and finally read the last book that just came out this year. The ones you are reading now sound interesting. I look forward to hearing what you have to say about them.
