Dressember is Here!
It’s December! I cannot believe we are here already, but I am so excited to participate in another Dressember.
If you weren’t around last year and are wondering, Dressember is a fashion challenge for charity: women (and men, I suppose) wear a dress every day of the month in December to raise money towards freeing enslaved and abused women all over the world. 100% of the donated funds go directly to the International Justice Mission, an organization that helps abolish slavery, sexual exploitation, and other forms of oppression.
I found Dressember last year through a sponsor, and I was immediately drawn to help!
It is a cause that resonates deeply with me as a woman, as a style blogger, and as a follower of Christ, and I am excited every year to put into action these two verses: Proverbs 31:8 and Psalm 82:3, which say respectively “speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.” and “Stand up for those who are weak and for those whose fathers have died. See to it that those who are poor and those who are beaten down are treated fairly. ”
I have always wanted to do something better with my blog, and every year I will definitely be utilizing my resources to help this campaign. I mean, I do have over 50 dresses, so I can definitely wear one every day of the month for something like this! And what better way to kick off the month than with this gorgeous dress? I’d had my eye on this dress already, but then when I won a giveaway for credits to New Old Fashion Vintage, that just sealed the deal and I snapped it up immediately! I cannot resist prints like this: flowers, mushrooms, and butterflies are RIGHT up my alley. Plus, it’s got a twirly skirt and will transition through all of the seasons pretty well!
For the entirety of the month I will be offering anyone who donates $10 or more to my campaign (which all goes to the mission!) a medium sized month-long ad in my sidebar. All you have to do is donate, let me know you’ve done so, and send me over your ad! (via email, please!) So if you want to be a part but you don’t have enough dresses, here’s your chance!
Dress, New Old Fashion Vintage | belt and brooch, thrifted | tights, Target | shoes, Modcloth | scarf, husband-made | glasses c/o Firmoo
And if you have started your own campaign, let me know! I want to see your beautiful dresses! I will be trying to do a Dressember link-up every week with my favorites from those of you that are participating!
I hope you all have a wonderful Monday, and happy dress-wearing!
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Lizelle Joseph
love love the outfit every piece of it
Eccentric Owl
Thank you Lizelle!
Sydney McFerron
the colors you choose are mega flattering on you! You have such an eye for color!
xoxo Sydney
Eccentric Owl
Thank you,. Sydney!
The print on that dress is gorgeous!!! I kinda want it as my wallpaper (is that weird? A dress is not enough for me.)
Eccentric Owl
I TOTALLY understand! I would love this as a wallpaper, too!
Kiss & Make-up
EEK, I love your style 😀 It’s fun and different and feminine and quirky and just super duper awesome 🙂 I like the outfit a lot.
Eccentric Owl
Thank you!
THIS DRESS! Ever since I saw it on Facebook, I’ve been waiting for this post. I’m so in love with it, and you styled it perfectly. It’s one of those dresses that you can barely believe you found secondhand and not on ModCloth, you know?
This is such a great cause! I look forward to seeing your cute dresses throughout the month. Also, I seriously love your hair!
Lyndsey M
I seriously LOVE this dress!!! Oh my goodness you have most adorable dresses ever. YOu styled it perfectly! And that is such a very very very important cause for Dressember. I could’ve started in on that too, but I wore pajama pants all day today and now I feel bad about it. 🙁