30 Day Challenges,  Baby and Parenthood,  Fashion

Rain, Rain, Go Away…

Rain, Rain, Go Away... | www.eccentricowl.com Thrifted vintage dress and heels | Target tights | self-made flower crown | old umbrella | New Old Fashion Vintage scarf Dressember Days

Well, today I am not that happy with anything. It’s dumping buckets of rain outside, which limits my photographing ability; I adore this dress but today I just couldn’t get it styled the way I want it, my hair is having one of those days (any attempt to do anything with it has been foiled) and is getting to the point where I need to decide whether to dye it red or back to my natural color and I just don’t know, and also I’m cold. So here’s the one shot I liked from the pictures I attempted today… and also, a video of Asa talking to me this morning. Because the cuteness should make up for the lack of a post.


I hope you’re all having a good Thursday!

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  • skye

    Maybe you feel you’ve failed at styling this dress, but I audibly gasped when I saw this outfit. This is one of the most perfect dresses I’ve ever seen, and I’m actually dying of jealousy right now. I’m sorry your day’s been crappy, but know that at least one girl in Vermont thinks you look stunning!

    • Eccentric Owl

      Awww! You’re the best. I think my biggest issue is my head; I couldn’t figure out what to do with my hair, and I didn’t know if I liked it with glasses or without, and I feel like it just needs something but I won’t know what. I thought of you with this dress, though!