Striped maternity dress and red cardigan
 In eight days, we will find out what the gender of this baby is. I am SO excited, and very curious to see if my gut feeling and all of the old midwives tales are true. I already automatically refer to the baby as the gender my gut tells me it is, even though there’s a 50% chance I’m totally wrong, and when I accidentally referred to it as that specific gender, my husband went “Oh, really?”
He refuses to guess, because he doesn’t want to get his hopes up either way.
My guess is a girl, though. This pregnancy has been so very different from Asa’s that I’m hoping my instincts are right. I still can’t stand overly meaty dishes; I still get gaggy and occasionally have to throw up in the morning, I crave sugar all the time… I can’t drink water or talk in the mornings due to that pesky gag reflex… it’s interesting. I also feel like the baby might be sitting lower this time, which is usually normal since it’s baby 2 and muscle are all more relaxed.
Maternity dress, earrings, and cardigan, Target | shoes, Modcloth | belt, thrifted | Glasses, c/o Firmoo
We will see on April 1st whether I’m right or wrong! Meanwhile, I will be researching fun ways to reveal the gender to our families. If you have any good ideas, let me know!
Happy Tuesday!
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Hannah Rupp
Oooh an April Fools reveal will be awesome! I always turn to Pinterest for cool ideas so that’s the best advice I can give. haha
I absolutely love your outfit today. You can’t go wrong with a primary color scheme!
-Hannah | The Outfit Repeater
Eccentric Owl
Yeah, I’ve been scanning Pinterest too! 😀 It’s my place to go for all the ideas. I have a few simple ones in mind, but we’ll see — if it’s a girl, my husband doesn’t want to make a big deal because his sister thought she was having a girl (as told by the midwife) and then later they realized it was a boy. BUT we are having the anatomy scan done at an actual hospital and not at the midwife’s, so I think they’ll be a bit more correct.
Thank you! Stripes and primary colors are the best go-to outfit, in my opinion.
Actually, studies have been done and if mum has no gender preference, she is correct 70 percent of the time! I think you are having a girl 🙂
Eccentric Owl
Ooh, maybe it is, then! Although I do WANT a girl, but I haven’t been trying to wish it true this time. 😉
Amy Watkinez
How exciting! I actually announced my pregnancy last year on April 1st and nobody believed us – haha!
There are so many cute ways to announce the gender, I wouldn’t even be able to choose. Still, simple photographs have always been my favorite, like tossing pink confetti in the air, or setting blue baby shoes next to your own pair. Anything you choose, it is sure to be wonderful! Best wishes 🙂
Eccentric Owl
Haha, I know, I was thinking about pulling a prank but I think my family would be onto it really fast. 😉
We will probably do something simple — with Asa we made a cake that had blue candy in the middle, so that was easy. I like the easy things, too!
Jamie Rose // Petite Panoply
This striped dress looks fantastic on you! It looks like such a comfy and versatile piece. I’m loving the red cardigan paired with it. Any outfit with a nautical vibe is wonderful in my book.
And I hope you’re right about the gender too! I’m excited to hear the news. Though from what I hear all pregnancies are different even if they’re the same gender. But there’s still a good chance you’re right!
Jamie |
Eccentric Owl
It’s the most comfortable dress ever — it literally feels like the most comfortable tee shirt, you know, the ones you wear every day but won’t admit it? Haha!
Yeah, I’m not getting my hopes TOO high because my sister-in-law thought her second would be a girl, and it was a boy. So we will just wait and see!
Well, I want to say a girl for symmetry’s sake, but given that you said you showed so much earlier and gained weight more quickly…maybe it’s twins!
Also, I can’t wait until my hair is long enough to do braids like that. And I want that cardigan.
Eccentric Owl
Haha! Well, there’s only one heartbeat, so… probably not. 😀 And my midwife hasn’t said I’m measuring large like she did with Asa (she thought he was twins). I think I showed earlier and gained weight quicker because it’s the second baby. No more muscles for me! Not that I ever had any…
Secret: I only ever do my hair like this when I badly need to wash it and am too lazy. 😀
You look so cute! You really are such a gorgeous pregnant mama. 🙂
I can’t wait to find out if the baby is a girl or a boy! So exciting, either way. 🙂
Hope you are feeling better! You look fabulous.
You look so beautiful! I hope you are right about the gender.. still exciting either way! 😀