Boho Maternity Wear and a Thrift Haul
I mentioned it on Instagram, but if you don’t have Instagram… now you know: I went through with it and cut my hair. On the day I wrote the blog post, because my husband told me I should just do it, and I’m SO glad I did! My hair looks and feels so much thicker and healthier now that all of the dead and damaged ends are gone, and I feel so much more retro! I even feel like I can still be a hippie even though I’ve got shorter hair. Also, I don’t have to brush it very much. And that’s a huge plus.
You guys can file this under “reasons I always try things on with a belt.” Or, “furthering my addiction to florals.” Or even “who cares about rules, I wear what I want.” Because had I not belted this in the thrift store, I wouldn’t have gotten it, and because this means probably about 75% of my wardrobe is floral now, and also pregnant women with big hips shouldn’t wear dresses that are basically muumuus.
But I am a rule breaker. Sometimes. Yeah. I don’t follow recipes or patterns either, because I’m cool like that. (But no, I will not break work rules or home rules or most rules set by other people because that’s just rude.) Yesterday, I left my flu-ridden child at home with grandma and went thrifting.
Okay, so it wasn’t actually that heartless: I had to meet with a couple to discuss what they wanted for their wedding photography, and the place that I met them was literally 2 minutes away from my favorite thrift store… so I took advantage and had a quick run through. I felt slightly bad for not getting home ASAP to my sick baby, but I don’t get the car without the baby very often, and really I was only there for 30 minutes or so. Sometimes, mama’s gotta do what mama’s gotta do to get sane. Please tell me I’m not the only one.
Of course, as soon as I got home all of my attention was given to Asa, who hurled four or five times, had the runs and filled more diapers than I care to count, and was up much too late due to his upset stomach and runny poops. Real mom blog talk: I was barfed and pooped on a lot yesterday, but the hardest part was not the mess. The hardest part was listening to my sunshine boy scream because he was so miserable at night.
Thankfully, he woke up feeling much better this morning, if quite tired from the long night, and I’m hoping that it’s over and that we don’t get it. I’ll be going on an overnight trip to Oregon this weekend with my sister-in-law and soon-to-be sister-in-law for our collective birthdays (we all turned or turn 27 this year) and I do not want to be sick and miss it.
I also do not want to have a sick baby again for a while. It’s too sad.
Dress, heels, and scarf, thrifted | belt, came with a skirt | ring, Target | glasses c/o Firmoo
I had a lot of luck at the thrift store, so I thought I’d do a thrift haul video full of yesterday’s thrifting and also the things I got from Goodwill the week before. I have to warn you: it’s totally disorganized and kind of spacey because I can’t think of words and I didn’t have everything with me. I didn’t edit that out, though, because… real life, yo.
And also I don’t know why I suddenly got gangsta at the mention of Macklemore. It happens.
I forgot to mention in the video: total spent at St Vincent = $11 for 3 belts, 2 baby things, 1 jumpsuit, 2 dresses, a skirt, 4 headscarves, and a pair of shoes. Total spent at Goodwill: $17 for 1 dress and 3 shirts.
Happy Wednesday!
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Oof, I’m sorry that Asa was sick. At least he’s better now!
I think you can totally rock this dress without the belt – but maybe the sleeves need to be shortened or taken in a bit?
Eccentric Owl
I actually like the sleeves the way they are, so if I want them to appear shorter I’ll probably just roll them up. But I think it definitely would look better with shorter sleeves when it’s not belted!
Kathy H
To belt or not to belt–Belt!! To go thrifting or not to go thrifting when you need a “mama” break–go thrifting!! You always make me smile.
Eccentric Owl
Haha, thank you Kathy! I’m glad it made you smile!
hannah @TheBraidedBandit
I love the pretty floral dress and it sounds like you made out like a bandit at the thrift store! 🙂 Hope your sick babe feels better :/
xo Hannah
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Eccentric Owl
I felt like a bandit thrifting! I usually find one or two things, but that was the motherload of thrifted items!
Thank you; he’s feeling better today, which I’m so glad for!
Glad the bub is feeling better. It is the absolute worst when your baby feels sick and there’s no way to make it better.
You look really cute! I love the hair cut.
Eccentric Owl
Thanks Jenny! Yes, it’s NOT fun when you can’t do anything for your babies!
Katie Burry
You look so cute! Sorry your little one’s sick. That’s rough. 🙁 Hope he feels better soon!
Eccentric Owl
He’s feeling better today, thank you Katie!
ohhhhh, so cute with this frock, i like it with and without the belt btw – both stylish.
Eccentric Owl
Thank you, Jacqueline! I think it’s fun without the belt, but harder to pull off (for me, anyway); like Salazar below suggested, I’ll probably roll the sleeves up shorter if I wear it belt-less. We’ll see!
Aww I hope your little boy is better soon! It’s so tough when they are sick, especially when it’s messy! As there is nothing you can do but hold and cuddle them until it passes! 🙁
On an outfit note, I like that printed dress though – belting it was a great idea, it really looks lovely on you that way.
Away From The Blue
Eccentric Owl
Thank you, Mica! He’s feeling better, but the sickness has gotten to me now. Hoping we’ll all be well by next week!
I’m a fan of belting everything, haha! Thank you!
Oh no hope you didn’t get too sick and that you are feeling better! It’s bad when they get sick as you can’t make it better..and because you often end up sick yourself too after taking care of them!
Hannah Rupp
I loved seeing you in video form!! You cleaned those thrift stores out good. 🙂
-Hannah | The Outfit Repeater
Eccentric Owl
I haven’t done videos in so long… I need to do them more often so I get less awkward. Although awkward is kind of just my thing, so…
By The Shore, Life & Style
Hey cutie, so fun watching your video!! <3 And the hair looks dynamite… always love that kind of refresher and agreed makes the hair look & feel so much healthier. Happiest week to you and glad to know your little love is feeling better! xo
Whaaaaaat. Your voice sounds SO much like mine! I might have commented this on one of your previous videos, but I’m still surprised every time I remember.
Also, adorable as usual. Can’t wait to see the retro hair!