Bohemian Wanderer | Twinning with Hannah!
Today, Hannah and I are twinning! When I was watching a video of hers, I realized that we have really similar boho dresses, so I suggested we should style them in our own ways and see what we came up with. While you all know I am a total retro housewife girl at heart, sometimes the boho spirit calls to me and I have to go full-on hippie for a day. These photos came about a bit differently than I had hoped, but I love them all the same!
My husband and I had planned to do this shoot while camping on Memorial Day weekend. We were at Kalaloch (which I have shared before, here) and the beach there would have been phenomenal for shooting some moody, sweeping bohemian photos. But the second camping day, we woke up to torrential rain, ankle deep puddles, and two snotty babies. So we decided to go home, and instead shot on a local rocky beach with slightly different results.
And even though the results are different from what I had imagined and planned for, I love them! I am working on getting more editorial with my photos. For a long time I have been stuck in a rut of shooting everything the same way, and doing a quick one-two with my photoshoots. Get outside, shoot full body, detail, headshot, and done! And that’s totally a fine way to do photos for a fashion blog. It is, after all, about the fashion, right?
But Noelle has really been inspiring me lately with her blog photos and I want to get a little more intentional with my shots! Plus, now that I’m only posting twice a week, it’s a bit easier to do planned shoots and know that on a certain day I need to really bring it for photos.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret, too: I had my hair in braids for three days to achieve this mermaid hair look. Like. I was not going to let that hair get away from me for anything! Thankfully, I showered right before I put them in plaits, so I had clean mermaid hair.
And if I wasn’t planning to give this dress to a dear friend of mine, I would have waded into the water with it. But, I want to give it to her all in one piece, so I refrained.
While we were shooting the photos on the swing, a few dogs ran over snarling and I thought we might get attacked. I kid you not, one of them had his hackles raised and I had the thought “I’m going to die on a swing.”
Luckily, they were just curious and calmed down after giving us both a good once-over and assuring themselves we were harmless.
Dress, Vintage | belt, old | rings, thrifted, gifts | scarf, grandma’s
I hope you all are having a great start to your week! Don’t forget to visit Hannah’s blog to see how she styled her dress!
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Hannah Rupp
I can’t imagine this shoot done any other way. These photos are spectacular and your modeling is on point!! And I love that you had another unusual run-in while taking photos. Snarling dogs are way scarier than staring people though. Glad you survived! 😉
Hannah | The Outfit Repeater
Eccentric Owl
haha, apparently I am destined to always run into weird things while shooting in public. At least I wasn’t alone this time!
Catherine Bradley
Hi Kristina,
I love the photos, but “gypsy” is a racial slur used against the Romani people. “Gypsy” has long been used to stigmatize and discriminate against the Romanis for their supposed untrustworthiness and dishonesty, as well as call attention to their darker hair and skin tone. This article ( explains why it is not an appropriate word to use. I would appreciate it if you chose a different word to describe your outfit here.
Eccentric Owl
Hi Catherine! Thank you for pointing this out to me, I have only ever known the use of gypsy as defined by the dictionary, which has no mention of it being a racial slur.
Jamie Rose // Petite Panoply
These pictures turned out absolutely gorgeous. I enjoy a creatively styled photo shoot! Your hair and makeup is on point here too. And I’m glad those dogs ended up leaving you alone. That’s pretty scary!
Jamie |
Eccentric Owl
Thank you Jamie! I love creative shoots, too; I want to do more of them. Kind of like… what I’m actually wearing, but put into a fun setting.
I’m so glad we didn’t die of dogs. I’m not fond of dogs who are let run wild when they’re not super friendly.
LOVE this look! Plus the hair is just amazing! I have been inspired to go pink or purple soon! You always find such beautiful settings for your photos – I need to start doing this 🙂
Emily –
Eccentric Owl
I wish I could have this fantastic mermaid hair every day, but I don’t want to constantly have my hair in braids, haha!
Good luck finding fun locations — I’ve only just started to get out of my yard for photos, and it’s so satisfying to find a location that goes with what you’re wearing!
This is so creative, I love it!
Eccentric Owl
Thank you! It was super fun!
Absolutely gorgeous photos!
Eccentric Owl
Thank you, Kay! We had a lot of fun shooting these!
Marie McGrath
I’m LOVING this shoot Kristina, you look absolutely stunning! I know exactly what you mean too, I often feel like I am stuck in a photo rut as well, especially on my backgrounds. This past year I’ve tried really reaaaally hard to venture out and take photos in different locations every time. It is SO hard to achieve though because I work an 8 to 5 job and hat leaves me with only the weekends for photo taking. Add to the mix Panama’s unpredictable rainy weather and you get one troublesome blog routine! hahaha.
That being said, I applaud you for taking the time to doing this photoshoot and fulfilling your vision to your best intent. The end result looks BEAUTIFUL!!
Jenna Condon
Love this shoot! Isn’t it hard sometimes to switch it up? It takes a lot of effort putting creativity and uniqueness into one post, I know that all too well! Great blog you have here 🙂
You just threw the hammer down on blog photos! These are so magical and whimsical and editorial and…ah! You’re inspired by me??? Lady, I bow to you!
Jessica Cangiano
Powerfully gorgeous. What a dreamy, ethereal and yet powerfully grounded shoot. These images are such an inspiration backbone as we head into the summer months. Gorgeous work!
Many hugs,
♥ Jessica
*PS* Thank you so much for your wonderful blog comments this week. I’ve been a frequent reader of your blog for quite a while now and beamed the biggest smile when I saw that you had visited mine, too. ♥
Hello, you gypsy queen! Bloglovin only just now showed me this post (which made me go, oh yeah wtf, didn’t she post this a week ago?). Annoying. Anyway, I love these photos – the ones with the swing and the scarf! You’re KILLING it lately, girl!!!