
Red Coat, Strawberry Purse, and Lots of Snow

Snoqualmie Falls | kristinasuko.comSnoqualmie Falls |

Snoqualmie Falls Anniversary Trip

Last week, Nehemiah and I celebrated four years of marriage. Since our actual anniversary fell on a Thursday, we decided to really celebrate on Saturday by taking a trip up to the beautiful and snowy Snoqualmie Falls. It was so gorgeous! And, it was the first time we have taken any sort of day trip without Evie. I’m not going to lie: the freedom was amazing! We were able to hike around and go down to the river level, which we would not have been able to do with a baby in tow.

On the way there, we stopped and got something I think I’ve only ever had once: Krispy Kreme donuts! I thought it was funny that my color scheme matched the box almost exactly. The donuts were good, although I think they’re too sweet for my liking.

Snoqualmie Falls | kristinasuko.comSnoqualmie Falls |

Once we got to the falls, we spent a good amount of time at the outlook.

Nehemiah took a lot of photos of the falls, and I observed people. There were so many different types of people there: teenagers who were not super interested in the natural tourist attraction, older folks who laughed at all of the “tourists taking selfies” (actually heard this right as we took the one selfie of ourselves by the falls, ha!), parents with young children who cajoled and coaxed to get one  smile for the camera, and people who were obviously not from Washington and had come to get a sight of one of our most beautiful places. My favorite sightings were the girl who had come in just a loose tee and leggings, and the couple in their eighties holding hands and marveling at the sights.

Unfortunately, as he was so close to the edge, Nehemiah dropped a lens filter over the ledge. Neither of us could quite believe it as the little round disk fell. It bounced off rocks to its doom 260 feet below us, and made us wonder how many people had lost more important things than an inexpensive lens filter. Snoqualmie Falls | kristinasuko.comSnoqualmie Falls |

The Road Less Traveled

After we’d had our fill of the view from the top, we hiked down a snowy and often slippery road to the level of the river. We had planned to take some outfit photos somewhere along the path, but couldn’t decide. There were so many good locations that we kept going to the bottom. On the way back up we would snap some photos,  or so we had planned. But once we got to the level of the river, it started to rain! And by the time we headed back up, it was raining so heavily that photos along the path weren’t possible without risking ruining the camera. So we got a few snaps with our phones instead.

On the way down, I got a lot of comments and looks about my outfit. It’s not every day you see a girl hiking down a snowy mountain path in full pinup garb. Snoqualmie Falls | kristinasuko.comSnoqualmie Falls |

The bottom of the falls look quite different. You don’t see any of the buildings and evidence of civilization; you can’t hear the cars; the sounds are muffled. It’s peaceful at the bottom. While the outlook at the top was buzzing with a hundred people, we met only a handful at the river. And the sounds of the waterfall are not quite so loud as they seem at the top.

There was a lot of complaining and grumbling on my end as we made the climb back up, but it was worth it!Snoqualmie Falls | Snoqualmie Falls | kristinasuko.comSnoqualmie Falls |

Back at the top, we had to pose next to this beautiful Christmas tree in front of the Salish Lodge.

It was a glorious tree and I wish we had gotten a photo of just how enormous it was! And, of course, we had to pose with the creepy Santa. If you think he’s creepy in this photo, he’s even more creepy in real life! I admire the handiwork, though. His wooden features are almost realistic!

At this point I heard one girl exclaim “she looks like Cindy Lou Who!” about me, after having complimented me on my outfit. It made me laugh, and I think her comparison was apt! I do look a bit like a Who! People also asked if I was Santa’s helper, or if we were going to a party, or if there was a special occasion. Of course, it was our anniversary trip, but I generally just told people I like to dress like this every day. Because that’s true!  Snoqualmie Falls |

I even had a conversation with an older woman, whose heyday was likely around the 1950’s, about how much she enjoyed my outfit and how she wore jewelry even in the garden. She told me I brightened her day, and talked to us for about 10 minutes, asking all sorts of questions about how I was dressed. In the end, we both agreed that life is too short not to wear what you love.

I hope you enjoyed this little recap of our anniversary trip! I really want to do more adventure posts in the future, so expect more Washington sights to be shared!

Coat, thrifted (similar here and here and here) | boots, old | skirt, self-made | fur collar, vintage | headscarf, thrifted | purse, Retro Red Rocket | Gloves, thrifted/vintage | Earrings, Amazon

Snoqualmie Falls | Snoqualmie Falls |





  • Julie Coppenrath

    It looks like a perfect day. Your husband and you look adorable together. Happy Anniversary. I just celebrated my 16th on Friday!

  • Modern Vintage

    How wonderful to wear that outfit for your outing – stylish, fun, spreading happiness. And just a little bit brave too!! Kx

  • Helene

    Happy Anniversary! You two make such an adorable couple. I’m so jealous of this trip! Everything looks so beautiful, but your outfit is to die for. I’ve never such a festive outfit that I would actually wear myself. Please teach me how to thrift!

    I love having conversations with older women about vintage style. Their faces always light up and it’s so nice to connect with someone who actually grew up in the era of style that we want to emulate.