
The Hunt for Red November

Red November |

I know I am not the only one who feels like this year is drawing to an end all too fast, but looking back at these photos emphasizes it even more to me. I took these the day we found out we were pregnant again. I was certain my excitement would burst out of me to anyone passing by, but then again I always choose less-traveled areas to take photos so I only had an interaction with about four people, who were all together in a group. Red November | kristinasuko.comRed November | kristinasuko.comRed November |

As I was shooting, the group of elderly people walked past where I planned to stand. The first spoke up, “I hope we’re not ruining your picture!” and the second quickly quipped, “we’ll model for you” while chortling with amusement and striking a silly pose.

The third stopped and struck up a short conversation.

“My, you look sharp! What do you do; why are you dressed up so pretty?”

“Oh!” I answered a little shyly, never having really outright told people what I do in person; “I run a fashion blog, and I’m a photographer.”    Red November |

“Wonderful!” she said, and she smiled as she move on. “Don’t let us bother you!”

From a bench a few feet away, one of the older men said “I hope we won’t mess you up while we rest over here!”

As I shot photos, I could hear them chatting merrily amongst themselves and here and there I heard them talking about my dress, or photography, or their younger selves. I felt extremely awkward having this little audience, but it was also encouraging.

Red November | kristinasuko.comRed November | kristinasuko.comRed November |

Before they walked away, the woman who had spoken to me most called out, “you’re beautiful! Don’t ever stop dressing pretty and taking pictures!”

I know I have mentioned  before that I never quite know what people are thinking when they happen to find me photographing myself in a semi-deserted area, dressed far more formally than most would dress on a day-to-day basis. Especially when it come to older generations, for whom the internet and fashion blogs were not a thing. When you wanted to see style, it came in the form of magazines and fashion shows, not clever urls and everyday women going out by themselves to photograph themselves for a website dedicated to… themselves. Red November |

Of course, blogging is much more than just fulfilling a vanity. I know this, because I am a  blogger and I have experienced firsthand the friendships, community, and beauty of finding people who get you. It’s a joy to blog. It’s a joy to spread beauty, to offer a helpful tip – even if that tip is focused on clothing – and to get to encourage others to find what they love to wear and wear it with abandon, the regardless of how others might expect them to dress.  It’s a joy to exercise creativity through colors, shapes, and patterns, and through photography and composition. It’s a joy to simply create something pleasing to the eye. 

But others, who look on from a complete stranger’s point of view, who are unaware of what I do? I never quite know what to expect. And their responses always surprise me. I’m surprised by the delight of others when they find out what I do. I’m surprised by the genuine interest. I’m surprised that nobody scoffs and says it’s such a silly thing to do.

Red November | kristinasuko.comRed November | kristinasuko.comRed November |

Perhaps part of it is that nobody wants to approach me because I definitely talk to myself during the entire shoot like a crazy person. But I like to think people can see the joy and it spreads.

Dress, Amazon | Heels, Amazon | cardigan, thrifted (similar here and here) | earrings, old (similar here) | belt, from another dressRed November |

And yes in case you’re wondering, I’m aware it’s actually The Hunt for Red October. But I had to pun.



  • SaraLily

    Hahahaha somehow if they’re friendly like this group was, I am OK with it. It really just bothers me when it comes off sketchy – like a dude walking his dog who stops and blatantly starts watching me without even trying to hide it. LOL come on. I’d so rather have a conversation with cute old people and have them find some enjoyment in it. They probably thought you were so cute!

  • Jennifer Sheffield

    Dang, you’re always killing it with the bold reds. I was always too shy to take photos on location like that, haha. But I also have never done fashion blogging, so it never really came up a lot for me.