
Love at First (Pink) Blush || a weekend away in Seaside, Oregon

This weekend, my husband took me away on a surprise vacation trip to Seaside, Oregon for an early thirtieth birthday present. We left our kids with my parents, packed our bags, and set off on an adventure. To our delight, we were surprised with gorgeous weather. No rain, barely any clouds, no need for a coat. It really was perfect! Any time we get away, we always pack an extra-fancy outfit to have a dolled up dinner in, and this time I chose this beautifully classic navy Pink Blush dress to wear.

Pink blush sent me a dress of my choice for review. All opinions are my own.

Dress, c/o Pink Blush | shoes, Amazon | necklace, vintage (similar here, here, here) | earrings, vintage (similar here, here, and here)

I chose this particular dress from Pink Blush, one of their many gorgeous maternity maxi dresses, because I love long, flowing dresses when I’m pregnant, and I wanted one slightly shorter than the dress I wore for my  maternity photos. But I didn’t realize just how much I’d love it until it arrived! Made of soft, stretchy material, it literally feels like wearing your most comfortable tee shirt. Except, it’s a beautiful off-the-shoulder dress that’s as easy to dress up as it is to dress down.

Since I planned to wear it out for our “Fancy” dinner night, I paired a gorgeous vintage leaf necklace and beautiful sparkling clip-on-earrings (also vintage) for an understated elegance. I am finally starting to feel every bit as pregnant as I look, with only a month and a half left, so I knew this dress would be perfect for looking put together, but also being comfortable. 

While we were there, I did not expect to get as much attention for the way I dress as what came at me. I took fairly  normal outfits, for me — and you’ll see my other choices later this week and next week!– but it got to the point that I was actually chased down by a woman who left her post at her store just to chat and ask all about my style and pregnancy. She even took photos to put up on their Facebook wall (which I don’t think they’ve done yet, but I’ve been checking!).

I have gotten so used to “dressing up” that it no longer feels odd to me to be the only person in a dress amongst a sea of jeans. And even in a less retro outfit, such as this one, I was approached or  occasionally people would yell out their car windows or in passing “you look beautiful!”

It was a little overwhelming — I think perhaps the combination of it being a semi small town with my being very pregnant and also dressing retro all culminated in the most attention I’ve ever gotten in the span of three short days. 

While we didn’t actually end up going to a fancy restaurant (the super fancy ones served a whole lotta shellfish, which neither of us like, haha!) we did enjoy being dressed up and walking around town for a bit. We ate at Dooger’s — a sort of all-american mixed with seafood style restaurant — and then decided to catch the sunset at Cannon Beach. After which, we went to Seaside Brewery specifically so that I could eat a brownie. My treat for trekking all over the beach with my husband, who really wanted to get specific shots of the sunset far down the beach behind some beautifully massive rocks.

It was  wonderful evening, and we ended after the sunset with a visit to Seaside Brewery where I got the most massive brownie I’ve ever seen. And it was delicious!

I cannot wait to share more of our trip; I tried to shoot lots of clips to put together a little “come with me” adventure video, and I’m hoping to get that up later today or tomorrow so definitely keep an eye out on my YouTube channel!

Have you ever been to Seaside? What was your favorite thing to do there?

Dress, c/o Pink Blush | shoes, Amazon | necklace, vintage (similar here, here, here) | earrings, vintage (similar here, here, and here)