
Husband and Wife Style || Theodore the Tamarin

Welcome to a somewhat late installment of the next little Erstwilder brooch I got to choose: Theodore the Tamarin! With his colorful purple body and dapper top hat and monocle, Theodore struck me as a fellow with just the right amount of whimsy and class for not only myself to style… but also my husband! As soon as I saw Theo, I knew that I wanted to get my husband involved. Men just don’t get to style as many fun accessories in my opinion (see: my entire drawer set full of jewelry versus his one lonely cup of cufflinks) and when he saw Theodore he was completely on board as well.

Dress, Lady V London (or similar in lots of colors here) |  Glasses, old (similar here) | Headscarf, vintage (similar here) | earrings, vintage (similar here) | shoes, Amazon

For my outfit, I wanted it to feel a bit tropical and very colorful, so I headed to a nearby location where the native rhododendrons are in full and glorious bloom at the moment, and did my best not to be afraid of the hundreds of bees attracted to all of those flowers. I must admit, at times I had to walk away. While I know that bees won’t really care too much about me as long as I’m calm and not bothering them, it’s still a bit disconcerting to have two or three constantly circling one’s head!

To add to the unsettling difficulty of shooting around a very bee-heavy area, it was also 3pm and as soon as I arrived to shoot photos, the sun came out. Between dealing with the heat, being pregnant, being mildly disconcerted by the constant bees, and trying to find the right shadows and light to shoot photos, it was quite the adventure!

For my husband’s outfit, we decided not to go back to the bee-haven and instead opted for a park building much later in the day.

Much to my delight, my lovely friend Sara pointed out that my husband and Theodore are sporting matching mustaches!

Now if only we’d had a top hat and monocle for Nehemiah as well… 😉

As for me, this gorgeous butterfly Lady V London dress matches Theodore’s purple tones almost exactly with its own purple-toned butterflies, and I thought these giant round sunglasses were a good nod to Theo’s monocle. I love that Erstwilder makes brooches that can be styled by anyone and you can bet my husband will be stealing Theo a few more times. I may even have to make him his own pile of Erstwilder brooch boxes so he doesn’t steal all of mine!

Dress, Lady V London (or similar in lots of colors here) |  Glasses, old (similar here) | Headscarf, vintage (similar here) | earrings, vintage (similar here) | shoes, Amazon