
Fall Reading

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With the coming change of seasons, I find myself wanting more and more to curl up in a chair by the fireplace and read every gothic old novel I own. Dracula, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, all of Edgar Allen Poe. Fall is the time for moodiness and dark stories. It’s the time when I feel most inspired to write. I listen to grand, sweeping, and sad music, huddle up on my bed, and let imagination run wild. I draw a lot of my inspiration from reading. The way my favorite authors use their words; the beauty of old vocabulary; the attention to details. I can only aspire to write in the same way!

This volume of Dracula is one of my favorites. It’s a new edition, but so beautiful with its bright red cover and black lettering. It’s such a beautiful book that I always want to pull it out every year just to formulate a photoshoot around it. Luckily for me, this skirt from Collectif arrived just in time, and I realized while getting dressed for the day that this outfit would work superbly with this book! Not to mention, my purse from Rainbow Lady Vintage is big enough to FIT said book inside! What could be better?
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 Hat, vintage (similar here) | Top, thrifted (similar here) | skirt, Collectif here, or similar here | Tights, Target (similar here) | earrings, vintage (similar here) | shoes, thrifted (similar here) | Purse, Rainbow Lady Vintage (similar here) | Brooch, gift (similar here and here)

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You may have noticed recently that I’ve changed up the format of my posts here on the blog. I have been struggling for a while to write up posts to go with the photos I’ve taken, as my format for years now has been to write many, many paragraphs of thoughts to go along with my photos. But lately, as a mother of three whose time is largely spent doing fairly mundane things, I find it more and more difficult to describe the days that go with the outfits.

On this day, for example, I  merely went grocery shopping and then to this park with my family. While it was a lovely day, it’s not that interesting to write about! So I’ve decided to give myself leave, finally, to let the photos do most of the speaking and write less in each post. I think blogging has changed a lot over the years. When I first started, it was normal to write a ton in your post along with whatever photos you had, but with the coming of Instagram and insta-blogs I’ve noticed people write less (and comment less!) and tend to simply enjoy the visuals. trees (10 of 29) c2trees (27 of 29)trees (12 of 29)

And, you know, I think that’s perfectly fine! It surely makes it a little easier for me in some ways. As much as I love sharing more of my life, I feel less pressure to do so with every post!

Have you noticed this shift in blogging? If you blog, has it affected how you formulate your posts, too? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

 Hat, vintage (similar here) | Top, thrifted (similar here) | skirt, Collectif here, or similar here | Tights, Target (similar here) | earrings, vintage (similar here) | shoes, thrifted (similar here) | Purse, Rainbow Lady Vintage (similar here) | Brooch, gift (similar here and here)trees (15 of 29)c3trees (28 of 29)