1920’s Beauty and the Beast Transformation || Belle Disneybound
A 1920’s Beauty and the Beast Transformation
This week, I shared a 1920’s Beauty and the Beast transformation on my YouTube channel. It was SO fun to step out of my normal style comfort zone and try something different! And, I finally had the knowledge and resources to create a more authentic 20’s look, which I’ve never had before. This look was in collaboration with The Wardrobe Shop, who reached out to send me a dress of my choice in return for a review. You can see the whole review on YouTube – and don’t forget to subscribe!
Dress c/o The Wardrobe Shop || Shoes, Amazon || Kimono, Amazon (similar) | Brooch, antique (similar) | Necklace, vintage (similar)
For now, I will just leave you with the photos I took from this 1920’s Beauty and the Beast Transformation. I was inspired by Belle’s “village” look, when she wears the blue dress and has a basket full of books. Belle has always been my favorite Disney Princess, so it was a no-brainer to recreate a look of hers. But I wanted to do something I hadn’t seen before, and I’ve never seen a 1920’s Belle!
I know I haven’t been blogging a lot lately, but now that things are settled with our house I hope to get back into it. Even if all I can share are short updates and outfits, I want to get back into the habit. Hopefully you are all well and safe with the scariness of the virus going around the world! We are all well, thankfully. And in the meantime, I’ve been coping with the anxiety of the unknown by being more creative! What have you been doing lately?
Dress c/o The Wardrobe Shop || Shoes, Amazon || Kimono, Amazon (similar) | Brooch, antique (similar) | Necklace, vintage (similar)