
What I’m Reading || The Lunar Chronicles

Snow White-21Snow White-14  This past month one of the things that I forgot to put in my last Thrift Haul was an entire series of books. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer are, as far as I can tell, a futuristic semi-twisted take on classic fairytales that all link together somehow. I haven’t read any synopses for the books because I don’t want any spoilers or anything to ruin what I think the books are. But so far, I’m enjoying them! I’ve only just begun to read Cinder, which is set around a Cinderella-like character who is actually a cyborg… and that’s all I can say!

Snow White-2 Wheebo Beret | Shirt, Amazon | Penelope Vintage skirt | Chase and Chloe heels | Tights, Amazon | earrings, vintage

Snow White-13Snow White-8 I decided to pose with “Winter” for this outfit, because somehow I felt like this look was a very modern take on Snow White. With its yellow tones, the red lips, and the textured tights, all I really needed was an apple purse or something to put me right into the Snow White vibe. This combination of an off-shoulder top and my Penelope Vintage skirt (Which I have in EVERY color) has become one of my favorite go-to looks for fall, especially when there’s a beret involved! I’ve been working on slowly acquiring berets in every color to go with any look. I have sage green, red, and yellow, and just recently received an orange beret in the mail with a super cute detail that I can’t wait to share with you all!
Snow White-10Snow White-12Snow White-6 We are so close to moving into our new home – we are actually going to take a friend/coworker up on their offer for us to live in their mother-in-law unit that is only 15 minutes away from our house, so we can be close to where we need to work and get things done faster! We have been living an hour away in my parents’ basement, and all sleeping in one room. So to live closer while we work is an actual answer to prayer! At the time I’m writing this, we need to finish cleaning up and then start refinishing the floors. When we pulled up the carpet we discovered the original wood floors beneath, but someone did them dirty. Every floor is painted with something -be it paint, or the bedroom that has old linoleum beneath, or the dining room which seems to have two thick layers of dark brown paint on it… they need some love!

Everything should sand off, we just need to get the rest of the old linoleum off and we’ll be good to refinish the floors! This is the biggest project we have, since finishing floors can take days. You have to sand them, which will take a full day to do, then put two or three layers of finish on the floors. And between each layer of finish, you’ve got to wait a day to let things dry… and then once all the layers are on, it’s another 48 hours till you can put things on them!

Snow White-18Snow White-15Snow White-5 So as you can imagine, we are SO ready to get at the floors and get the job done so we can move!

With luck, we can finish cleaning and remove the last of the linoleum today, and begin the floor project this weekend. I have high hopes that by next week we’ll be officially finally moving into our forever home. It’s been a long few months of waiting and planning, and I’m sure it will feel like forever as we finish the floors, but we’re at the finish line! Settling in, starting my kids on homeschooling, and really feeling the excitement of being homeowners is just so close. I’m looking forward to finally ending this period of upheaval we’ve been living the last two months and have a home.

Wheebo Beret | Shirt, Amazon | Penelope Vintage skirt | Chase and Chloe heels | Tights, Amazon | earrings, vintage

Snow White-3