Yellow and Florals
I feel like a fairy. I don’t know why. Shirt, $4; Skirt, somewhere around $5; Shoes… $10?; Earrings, $4; Belt, $0.99; Brooch, $5; Flowers, free. Approximate outfit cost: $28.99 Video. I’m um… yeah.
Don’t mind me. I’m just in need of some cheese.*
I didn’t feel like getting up today. Or getting dressed. I went to hang out with my friend Sarah, (which was fun, by the way. We watched Jane Eyre.) and if I didn’t…
Wasting time
I am in love with this dress. I want to wear it every day for…forever. Apparently, there’s a thorn bush. I stepped on it. Yeah. Definitely a new favorite. This is the necklace…
Saturday’s Fashions
Hello lovelies! I’m still sick, so instead of an outfit, I’mwearing my owl pajamas. They’re adorable. Like me! (ha!) Sadly, I will most likely not even get dressed today. So! Let’s not focus…
I be stylish. Sometimes.
The lovely Roshi over at Whimsical Delights awarded me this… award. Exciting, huh? At least one person thinks I’m stylish! 😀 Thank you so much, love! Rules of the award: 1. Thank the…