Kitties and weddings and yellow hats, oh my!
I was the maid-of-honor in a wedding today. Yesterday, the bride and I spent all day wandering around a thrift/vintage store trying on all the hats and taking pictures of all the cats…
Book Review: No Country for Old Men
I have a confession to make: I didn’t read the whole book. And there are three reasons for that: One, it reads almost exactly like the movie plays out and I’ve seen the…
I ramble too much. I haven’t finished that book yet.
See? Yeah. I still haven’t quite figured out how to keep subjects in my head when I vlog. I actually did have quite a few ideas of what I was going to share…
A few things I want
I haven’t finished the book I was going to review today, as… I’m not in a reading mood right now. That schedule I made up for the blog? Yeah… I may not follow…
WWC: the creepy edition. Wait… when is it ever not creepy?
Blank canvas Originally uploaded by Miss Aniela Weekly Writing Challenge One entry this week- thank you Avra for making the rest of us look like slackers- and it’s pretty good! Hopefully the new…