• Fashion

    Thoroughly Modern Alice

    You know you’re a mom blogger when… …you immediately go inside and put your hair up after you’ve taken outfit pictures because the baby will try to eat it otherwise. … you wipe…

  • Fashion


    Right now, I am reading two books set in a Victorian-ish era– Behind the Shattered Glass, and Mansfield Park and Mummies. And then I’ve gotĀ four books waiting for me at the library, of…

  • Fashion

    Gingham and stripes and dots, oh my!

    I’ve been feeling really bored with getting dressed lately. Maybe it’s the lack of a huge and varied closet since we moved, maybe it’s that everything has been controlled by ease-of-nursing, but everything…

  • Fashion


    One of the nice things about having photographed the vintage in my shop is that on rainy days like today, I can borrow the pictures for an outfit post! This is how I’ve…