Adventures,  Fashion

The day she…

I didn’t get a chance to photograph yesterday’s scarf outfit because my camera’s batteries died, and the day before that I had a hectic day and didn’t do a proper outfit. I also haven’t blogged all weekend because of 1. hectic things, 2. hectic work, and 3. the fair. But I have some exciting news that I was waiting to be finalized (aka spread to the right people so someone didn’t see it here and go WHAT???) before I told you lovelies. Can you guess? If you guess right, you’ll.. .get… um… the satisfaction of knowing you were right.

(Is it just me that finds the above picture slightly amusing and… model-pose?)

This isn’t what I wore to work this morning– and work has to do with the exciting event that happened– but I’m going to wander Goodwill with a cup of (decaf) coffee and a good friend of mine, and I wanted to wear something that’s easy to take off.

Is it just me, or did that sounds maybe a little awkward?

I promise, I’m not going to suddenly strip and streak through Goodwill.

*ahem* MOVING on.

I tried to take a few pictures in my driveway today, but it’s raining. And they were all crap except for one.

Have I dragged out telling you the news long enough?

Okay, okay.

Today, I was officially promoted to manager at work. I say officially because I’ve suspected this might happen since Friday through conversations with my boss and my old manager, and last night was kind of the real promotion but nobody knew till today and I didn’t discuss it (“it” being the very important “do I get paid more?” subject((that’s a joke)) ) thoroughly (or somewhatΒ thoroughly) with my boss until this morning.

I’m much less intimidated by the promotion than I thought I would be. I’m relieved because my old manager– who, by the way, is pretty much the most awesome manager and coworker I’ve ever had– agreed to stay and still be a barista and give up her managerial position to me, and because the more I think about it the more I realize that it’s just… less complicated than I built it up to be. I”ve never wanted to be the manager anywhere– I’m much more of a “tell me what to do, I’ll do it!” kind of person, but now that I’ve been offered and taken the job, and since I’ve been working at the coffee shop, I’ve become more aware that when I am given responsibilities I take charge of those responsibilities to the best of my abilities.

Plus, I think this situation will work out well because I don’t have another job and I’ll have more time than the previous manager to just… manage. I don’t know how she was able to manage the coffee shop AND work another job. Crazy skills.

I’m quite happy with life right now. Even though it’s been hectic and last night was a weird… just… weird. Being promoted and not being able to tell anyone is hard.

So I’ve run out of things to say.

This scarf is from Morocco, brought to me by a friend. It is very, very useful today when the rain is pouring and the weather is just being Washington-like.

I’m off to wander my favorite place.

I hope you all have a beautiful day!

Details: shirt ($3), belt ($0.99), and ring ($1.50), thrifted; skirt and scarf, given to me by a friend; tights ($5 or $7), Target; Boots ($20), Famous Footwear. Approximate outfit cost: 32.49


  • Bethie

    Congratulations!! Look at us, both getting promoted at work! πŸ˜€ I’m sure you’ll be a fine manager. And I’m completely jealous of your weather! It was barely cool enough for part of yesterday to wear a sweater! I want my rain and hats and scarves and boots weather!

  • TheDorsetFinca

    Congratulations!!! Love the outfit, I just wish we weren’t about to have a heatwave and I could really embrace Autumn clothes. I’ll take back what I just said though because it’s England and everyone dreams of warm, sunny weather….

  • Demy

    OH.MY.GOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is awesome!!!! Congrats, Mara!!! WOW!!!! I’m so so so so so so happy for you! WOW, promotion! Must be weird to get promoted lol! But I’m really happy for you πŸ™‚ I’m sure you’ll do great. No, far more than great! You’ll be amazing! I know it! Congrats congrats <3
    Ah, aren't these moments, when everything seems to be going right, precious? I feel happy too these days, even though I'm jam packed with studying and I practically do nothing else than studying and go to school, but still…life is good. No matter how busy we may be, life is awesome! We should appreciate it…I wish you all the best with the manager position!!!
    Now, as for the outfit, it's gorgeous! As usual! The scarf is really cuuute! And the skirt! And everything! πŸ˜€
    BAHAHAHHA, did I mention I couldn't stop laughing at the point you said you wore something easy to take off? ahahhahahhahaa!!!!! You're so funny! I needed a good laugh today, because apparently coffee doesn't do much to wake me up and I have to study History :S Anyway, see you soon! πŸ˜€ Kisseees! <3 <3 πŸ˜‰

  • Cee

    Congratulations on your promotion! I’ve been working in management, albeit in a different industry, for about six months now… Every day it’s a different challenge, but that’s what makes life interesting πŸ™‚ I love this cozy fall look, especially your plaid skirt. I have a friend who would fall absoutely head over heels for it. Or possibly try to make her own if she saw it on you. I think I’ll point her in the direction of this post πŸ™‚

  • Jamie Rose

    Congratulations on being promoted! You’ll do great as a manager!

    I really enjoy your perfectly fall outft! The skirt is adorable with those patterned tights and your boots are great too. So perfect and pretty!