Adventures,  Fashion

The day she was..

… able to manage like a proper manager.

This could also be the day I: realized my bag and my shoes match, was yelled at by a man across the parking lot that my outfit was awesome, went to Cash&Carry to stock for the first time, realized how much I love Cash&Carry, learned more things about work, hired someone, interviewed 2 people, found out what kind of person is a definite no, inventoried the stock room, cleaned some pretty groaty corners, and felt much less overwhelmed than I did yesterday.

I’m actually having quite a bit of fun with “The day she…” titles for blog posts. Every day is a new adventure. Yesterday, I had one interview that went fantastically, and while I really wanted to hire the girl on the spot I had two more interviews today that I wanted to go through with so that I wasn’t making a snap decision. It was a good experience. I ended up hiring girl number one, but I now have an idea of who I would definitely notΒ hire, and I have a girl in mind should I need one Β more person.

So today, as Β I was getting into my car after purchasing some things for the shop, a man yelled at me across the parking lot. I didn’t really hear whatΒ he said, but he was smiling and he looked friendly, so I stepped back out (I hadn’t shut the door yet) and said “I’m sorry?”

He replied “I love your outfit!” I think the first time, he said “your outfit is awesome!”

It made my day.

I think this outfit is a very good example of how to take basics (a basic long-sleeved tee, a basic navy skirt) and make it look put-together and polished with good accessories. This is one of my favorite outfits in a long while.

This scarf is a new one to my collection (so I now have 35), and I just got it at Goodwill on… well… to be honest I can’t remember what day. I think Monday. It’s been a long three days. Anyway, I love it. It’s my new favorite scarf.

And I had forgotten that I loved these earrings so much. I used to wear them with pretty much every outfit ever, but lately I’ve been drawn towards bigger danglers, and these have been hanging on my wall with the other dejected pieces of jewelry. I really need to go through my jewelry and get rid of things I never wear. Just like Β I need to go through my closet and get rid of things that don’t fit.

Don’t you love that my shoes and bag are almost the same pattern and colors? I bought them the same day I got my scarf, and I didn’t realize that they matched until I got home. I LOVE them both. I’ve worn these shoes two days in a row, and they’re worth the aching back I get for working in them. (They’re completely flat, and thus not the best shoes to wear when you stand for five hours at work.)

And do you want to see something beautiful?

Of course you do.

That, my friends, is the gorgeous bruise that now has a beautiful twin on my thigh just above my knee. It gets more purple by the day, and now it has a friend. On the same leg. That promises to be even more spectacular.

How did this happen, you ask?


Let’s just say I shouldn’t be allowed to operate car doors.

Well, my dears. I’m off to bed. It’s been another long, fun, hard, interesting, less-overwhelming, rewarding day. Blogging from here on out will be spotty, hopefully at leastΒ three outfits a week although I think I’ll try to at least webcam-photo my daily scarves, but… if every day is as busy as the last three have been, I’ll no longer have time to blog every day.

I’ll do my best, though, for you!

I hope you are all having week that is as rewarding as mine has been so far, although I hope yours has been less hectic.

Details: Shirt ($2.50), belt ($1.99), Skirt ($4), shoes ($6.99), scarf ($3.99), and bag ($6.99), thrifted; earrings ($2), Target. Approximate outfit cost: $28.46


  • Amrita

    I’m going to have to steal your bag.

    Also, I was browsing through vintage shops down Portobello Road and came back home with two pairs of open-toed floral-printed ballerina flats…and here you are wearing something so similar!

  • saltwatertiffy

    I have those shoes! I actually had lost a pair so I purchased them again from ebay. I’m saving the new pair though. They’ll be my wedding shoes. If I ever get married. Ha.

    I love this outfit, it’s so cute.

  • Demy

    OH EM GEE!!!!! You’re so pretty! Honestly! This is just perfect! One of my fave outfits evaaaa! I LOVE IT!! All the pieces look stunning together, the earring is so cute and the bag and flats are perfect! And the scarf and everything! You’re so amazing! That man was definitely right! And I think that he told you that your outfit is awesome, because you’re so different from most people out there. You have your own style and you look gorgeous, rocking every single outfit you put together. Most people go aroung wearing jeans and tees and you make the difference! You’re really eye catching πŸ™‚
    Aaaa, I’m so glad to see that you’re doing great with your new responsibilities! So many new experiences! I’m sure it would be kind of weird to do all these things for the first time, but I’m sure you’re an amazing manager. I would really like to have you as my boss πŸ˜€
    Talk about hectic days πŸ™ Well, I practically do nothing else than just studying, but still… it’s taking up my whole time and I feel like time is flying too fast and I…just sit there and study. Life could be so much more interesting. Anyway, many many kisses! πŸ™‚

  • Jamie Rose

    Your outfit is indeed awesome! I just love the color of your skirt and how flowy it looks. The new scarf is great too. I wish I had more scarves to incorporate into my wardrobe.