
St. Patrick’s Day.

So, as you probably guessed by the title, this is what I wore for St. Patrick’s day. I didn’t want to go overboard with all-green (I could have. I’ve got green tights, this skirt, and a few green sweaters… or I just bought green pants), and this skirt originally came with a pink belt, so I had to wear the pink tights.

This skirt is also part of tomorrow’s tutorial on how to shop like a genius. (Yes. I am calling myself a genius. y’know. Not that I’m vain or anything. Hehe.) I won’t spoil it for you, but this and three other skirts were part of a ย pretty smart purchase move on Friday. I’m so glad I bought them!

I did a lot of fence-sitting for this outfit shoot. And to get to the fence, Mr. Owl and I had to trudge through a field and some pretty smushy grass. By the time we got to a good location, my feet were soaked through and my shoes were a wee bit muddy.

And also, I stood by a pond… which was also mushy.

It was worth it, though. I absolutely love these pictures! I am pretty sure that my man is the best photographer I know of. And he’s mine. One of the many reasons why he’s perfect for me is his photography skills. I don’t even have to teach him how to take my outfit pictures (mostly.) He already knows how to take fantastic photographs.

While we were out in this field, I also climbed said fence. It was a dangerous feat, and I was probably in peril of re-injuring my ankle (which has not fully healed yet), but I managed to conquer the fence! By which I mean… I didn’t fall off.

Aren’t I graceful?

Y’know, other than the constant tripping, the ankle-injuring, the spilling, and the ability to snort when laughing.

I think Mr. Owl and I have finally gotten into the flow of outfit-picture taking. I am feeling less and less self-conscious about having a person take my pictures, and he has gotten it so that I don’t even have to crop the pictures (he’s used to taking a further-away shot of things) when I edit them. And most days (except today), I don’t even have to edit them very much.

Not to say that these pictures weren’t fantastic before editing, but I felt like giving them a more country-girl feel. ย Sometimes, the urge just hits me.

And in case you didn’t notice, this shirt has the Cheshire cat on it. It’s one of my favorites.

St. Patrick’s day was also the day that I checked my subscribers (and this is just email-subscribers) and noticed that, at the end of the day, I had hit 615 subscribers… and they just keep coming. Sunday alone, I gained 20 new followers. Where are you all coming from?

I am considering starting up some sponsorship opportunities, but I have no idea how to go about this, so if you’re a fashion blogger and you have sponsors and advice, please let me know! As well, if you’re someone who would like a little ad on the side of my blog, I’d love to consider you as soon as I figure out some fair rates and how to go about the whole sponsorship deal.

I hope you all have a beautiful Monday!

And, I don’t say this enough: thank you for reading, commenting, and being the loveliest readers and friends a girl could ever have. I may not reply to comments in a timely fashion, but I read and appreciate every single one!


  • vazalla

    Love the combination of colours you have going on there, although there is a somewhat colour cast to your photos, possibly on purpose. But still looking great

  • Salazar

    I think I got that exact same skirt from Target, only mine is printed. If they have that color left I would’ve snatched it up. I love all the colors you pair together here – so pretty!

  • Avra-Sha Faohla

    Love these pictures, especially the second-to-last one (last if you don’t count the one with prices . . . which is really pretty also :D).

    And that skirt looks blue. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Mara

      It does look blue, but that’s just due to the color editing and the fact that the skirt is a very blue-green anyway. I promise, it really is green! ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Demy

    WOW!! These pictures are so beautiful! Mr. Owl did his miracle once again and of course you’re editing pictures like a boss! I love so much all these colors and the cute pond and everything! The pictures on the fence are just incredible! It’s such a pretty place ๐Ÿ™‚ And the outfit is gorgeous, all these colors are just amazing and the skirt….AH…the skirt <3 I WANT IT! I honestly can't wait to see this tutorial you're talking about! Hell yeah, you ARE a genius! ๐Ÿ˜€ By the way, congrats on all these followers! ๐Ÿ™‚ <3

    • Mara

      Mr. Owl is pretty talented. ๐Ÿ˜‰ He manages to get me when I’m not talking or making faces, and that is a big talent indeed! Hehe.
      Thank you! It really was a pretty place, and it was definitely worth the wet shoes. ๐Ÿ˜‰
      Thanks, love!

  • Loren

    Love this look, the colors all go together really well. And I haven’t been reading for long, did you DIY that Cardigan? Or did you find it already Ombred? I love the look.

    • Mara

      Thank you! I found the sweater already Ombred, but I love it so much I might try to figure out how to do it on my own to some other sweaters, and do a tutorial. It can’t be too hard, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Jamie Rose

    These pictures turned out so nice! I love the location. Your outfit is very cute too. I really like your green skirt. It reminds me of one my sister has. I might need one in my life!