Wedding Pictures, Part Three: Us.
These are the last of the wedding pictures, and my particular favorites. To make the pictures extra special, we decided to take pictures on the same walk we took on our first date exactly one year before (well, minus a day…). We walked down by the water, visited the coffee shop where we met, and wandered by the beautiful Christmas tree. It was magical!
I’ve found my love, and it is bliss.
I hope you have enjoyed the pictures! Have a beautiful Wednesday!
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Nancy Francis
Beautiful! You guys look incredible, and perfectly happy! Congratulations 🙂
Eccentric Owl
Thank you. 😀
Love these photos, you look so beautiful and elegant (and Mr Owl looks lovely too of course!) Such a romantic idea to go back to your first date too. I hope my wedding is as lovely as yours one day, and that I can find someone who makes me as happy as you seem to be!
Eccentric Owl
Thank you! I hope you find someone who makes you happy, too!
Mereana Beconcini
absolutely stunning! I love everything about your wedding attire – veil is perfect, fur wrap is perfect, necklace is perfect and of course the dress is gorgeous. Love your work xxx
Eccentric Owl
Thank you, dear!
Georgia Matthews
These are so beautiful Kristina, you look so happy and complete, it’s such a joy to see! The pictures at the cafe are my favourites, especially the black and white one. Are you getting all of these printed? I think the black and white cafe kiss would look lovely in a big print and framed, but hey, I’m a sucker for romantic black and white portraits!
Hope you’re not getting too cold over there – here it’s very hot with catastrophic fire warnings, so it’s kind of weird to think about it being winter over there. Hope the family and Nehemiah are all well xx.
Eccentric Owl
I AM happy! Thank you, love! We’re going to get a few of them printed and framed for sure! The cafe kiss is definitely my favorite; I want to get a big print of it to hang in our house!
It’s been cold enough to snow here, it’s so fun! I can’t wait until we get a proper snowfall. It’s weird to think that it’s summery there for you! Hehe. I hope you’re doing well!
Anita Jacob
Thank you for sharing your day with us! Lovely pictures 🙂
aiyana jane
such beautiful photos, i love the lighting! so romantic, congratulations!
Eccentric Owl
Thank you! We had such a talented photographer. 🙂
I know I’ve said this about all of your wedding photos, but I have to say it again – you guys are too adorable! I especially love the b&w photo of the kiss across the table.
Eccentric Owl
Hehe, thank you! I never tire of hearing it… hopefully that’s not weird. It just reminds me how much I love being married to my best friend and how awesomely perfect he is for me. 🙂
That’s my favorite one. I want to get it printed and framed.
Lariats and Lavender
These are precious! I love the scenery, like… a LOT. And your wedding dress and accessories? So dainty and gorgeous. I married my wife in 2007, and we celebrate our six year wedding anniversary on September 13th. I can assure you, every year that passes, your love will grow more and more. Finding the love of your life, your soul mate… It’s perfection. ^_^
Eccentric Owl
Thank you! I do, too. It was such a perfect evening to take pictures– no clouds, and the light was just lovely and dusky! I’m so glad they turned out.
It definitely is perfection!
Gosh, you and Mr. Owl are my Disney prince and princess. You’re perfect. The pictures are amazing, so full of loving atmosphere and cosyness. You crazy kids <3 Congrats Mrs. and Mr. Owl, you two are the bomb. And hella fashionable too. 😀
Cassandra Jenis
I love the café pictures. I. LOVE. THEM. Elevation of the mundane into something special and beautiful. So good.