
Black Roses


This dress totally does not show up as green as it is! I absolutely love the color in real life; it’s an emerald-turquoise color that just reminds me of spring and fresh greenery. But my camera’s settings won’t pick up the color for some reason.

I cleaned out my entire wardrobe (dresser items included) yesterday after re-reading October Rebel’s awesome post about cultivating a successful wardrobe, and I realized something: out of the 55 dresses I own (not counting the ones I took out for the “wear a few ways and see if I want to keep them” pile), I only regularly wear about five of them. I think it’s time I started branching out in my own closet.

This dress, for example, I grabbed without even trying on because I loved the color and the pattern, and the only alteration it needed was removal of the shoulder pads. But that was a month ago (or more!) and this is the first time I’ve worn it. Shame!

IMG_1444I also have a huge pile of things that I need to hem or mend, so I think the next thing on my to-do list so far as my closet goes is to hem up all the skirts that are just a tad long for my taste, then put buttons on the dresses and cardigans that need them, and THEN we’ll see how the closet looks. This month I’ll have to shop my closet as it is, because I bought a gorgeous vintage working mixer at a garage sale and that was most of the spending money I had for the month. By June, I’ll know exactly which items I want to keep and what I need to add to make my closet more mixable.

IMG_1442So it’s really weird that sometimes I totally don’t recognize myself in pictures. I mean… it’s clicked that I’m blonde now, but as I was editing these photos I just looked at myself and thought “dang, who IS that???” I don’t look like me any more! The me I’ve been for 25 years, anyway. And it’s refreshing, in a way! I feel more free to take fashion risks that I never took as a brunette. Seriously, dyeing your hair a drastic color makes such a big difference in what you feel like you can do with your style.

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I am SO glad it’s Friday. You have no idea. I can’t wait to have the weekend to finish organizing my closet, clean the house, repaint my ย nails (yeah… I only do that on weekends… during the week, they’re just a mess of chipped paint), go to the gym (because I haven’t done that all week), and play around with my hair a little. Someone asked for a tutorial on the braid+bun I did in this post, which was SUPER easy (laziest hair ever, actually…), and I really want to just play with different braids and hairstyles and get more creative with my hair.



Forever 21: Heels
Vintage/Thrifted: Dress, belt, brooch

Do you all have any exciting plans for the weekend? I hope whatever you do, you have a wonderful weekend! ย Happy Friday!


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  • Azeezat

    Hiya Kristina. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I really love reading your post, I find them so inspirational, reading them always gives me a little nudge in the right direction, as there’s many things you’re interested in that I have interest in too. (E.g. Healthy eating- although I do find I’ve been slipping up a bit *sigh*, Exercising/losing weight, Photography etc)
    Plus you’re blog is so pretty, and I have a penchant for pretty things. Presentations an important thing in general. Lol. I wish my blog looked half as pretty as yours :P.
    Anyway I just wanted to let you know.
    Lots of love xxx

  • Salazar

    Yeah, that post by October Rebel is great. I may have to do some cleaning out myself, especially now that I’m about to start a new job. Thanks for sharing it!
    The dress is lovely, though I’d probably take it in a bit or shorten the sleeves. And I’d steal your brooch.