Fashion,  Pregnancy

The perfect fall coat

5It’s FALL! And boy, did fall come in with a bluster; in a typical cold-weather Washington day, it rained all day yesterday. Which was fine, because we had our Hobbit party indoors, but then our power went out right before the party. Which meant no biscuits or warmed up seed cake. Oh well! Thankfully, we had cooked everything else beforehand, and it was all still warm.

And our power came back on in time for us to realize that for some reason, The Hobbit isn’t at our house, so we watched a bit of the second part of Two Towers, then played Donkey Kong on the Wii.

15Our Hobbit meal consisted of seed cake with peach or raspberry jam, roasted chicken, pickles, and meringue mushrooms (all of which I made), plus some fancy cheese with crackers,and olives. There would have been coffee and tea, but no power! Pooh.

Still, it was lots of fun and the food was SO good. Oh, those mushrooms. Worth the time it takes to make them!7

In my search through our trunk for a good coat, I re-discovered this one, which I’d completely forgotten about! I bought it back when it was still cold early this year, and then stowed it away in a trunk during the summer. I love this coat! It’s so perfect for fall, and it’s warm, and it makes me think of wandering the wild Irish moors in a fog. Or, you know, something to that effect.2

I also really love this babydoll dress. I thrifted it the other day because I am in desperate need now of clothes that fit the belly, and while it’s not maternity it’s long enough and roomy enough to last me for a while! I also love that it’s one of those perfect neutral dresses that will work in every season.

9I’m so delighted with the weather now. It’s such a perfect, blustery, rainy day, and I’m sitting here with my hot chai tea just listening to the rain and blogging. So nice. I’ve been looking forward to this weather for a long time!

Especially being pregnant.

Speaking of which, this morning baby Owl had a kicking fit, and it was creepy. I mean, yes, it’s cool that we can see him kicking now, but also really weird to see your own belly bouncing around when you know something’s inside you.11131412

Today, I plan to cook bread. With the cooler weather, I’ve gotten the itch to bake things, and freshly baked bread just sounds so delicious right now! I also really want to cook all things squash, much to Mr. Owl’s trepidation. He’s not a fan of cooked veggies. And I just tell him too bad. He’ll have to get used to it, because the pregnant woman needs what the pregnant woman needs.

Haha! Actually, I generally provide him with fresh veggies he can eat while I gorge on my squash dishes.


Coat and dress, thrifted | heels and tights, Target | Ring, Forever 21

The one other thing (other than spiders) that I’m not fond of with fall is that it’s more often cloudy than not, and that means the light is all off for pictures. I got these right before it started to rain! It’s probably just the photographer in me, but I’m bothered by the too-even light of a cloudy day. I feel like it washes everything out especially, and throws dark shadows under my eyes.

Oh, well! I’ll deal with it, if it means I can have snuggly cold mornings, fall leaves, and pumpkins.

P.S. A day might not go by wherein I do not wear orange in some way. Seriously.

Happy Monday!


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  • Salazar

    Whoa, that coat is seriously awesome!

    Re: terrible light on cloudy days – ever since I got home I’ve learned to love overcast days, because the sunlight in Vietnam is so harsh and glaring, so I prefer the diffused quality of cloudy light. But did you try taking your photos in RAW? (I assume you have a DLSR) It’s a bit more time-consuming to edit photos in RAW, but you have more control over light and color and such.

  • Becca Lee

    So, uh, if you ever decide that you don’t need that coat anymore… I know this girl named Becca who would gladly take it off your hands! ; ) Sorry to hear your power went out! I’m glad you still had a lovely hobbit meal, though!

    Ladyface Blog

  • Amia

    Your coat is to die for! I love everything about it 🙂 The food for your party looks so good, I’m sure it was a fun time even with the power out!

  • Rachelle Marie

    I love the coat and dress! The whole outfit looks so perfect for this Fall weather. I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but I am sad that the sun came out today. Not cool. Come back, beloved rain! </3
    xo Rachelle

  • Lariats and Lavender

    A HOBBIT PARTY?! We gotta be your neighbors. <3 I love that coat, and I LOVE Autumn. Chilly weather, strong winds, rain… I love all of the above, so so so so much. Let's not forget about a good chai latte, colorful leaves, pumpkin picking, cinnamon candle burning, etc. ♥.♥

    You look beautiful in that outfit! That dress is so whimsical!

  • Booksphotographsandartwork

    Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!! I am 53 years old and I had that exact same coat when I was in high school! That is so cool to you see you wearing one just like it. It was a great coat.

  • Jamie Rose

    This is a perfect perfect fall outfit! I’m in love with your coat and the way it looks with your rust-colored tights. This color scheme is seriously perfect. You look so gorgeous!