Fashion,  Pregnancy

Of hats


If you’ve liked my page on Facebook or follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that on Saturday I got to meet my first blogger ever. It seems like most of the blogger meet ups I ever see are… not in Washington, and I tend to be pretty shy about talking about my blog to most people. So I’ve never met a fellow blogger. (Well, okay, I have a cousin and a niece who have blogs, but they’re family and that’s different.)

But ever since I started up the Washington Bloggers page, I’ve realized that 1. there are so many awesome Washingtonian bloggers around, and 2. I totally need to meet the ones that I can! And you guys! I was so excited, because LOOK who I got to meet:


If you don’t know who Marlen from Messages on a Napkin is, then seriously… something is wrong with you. Haha! Okay, not really, but you definitely should check out her blog because it is another one of my favorites! Marlen is originally from Chicago, but she and her boyfriend Marc moved up here recently. As soon as I read that she’d moved this way, I knew I had to set up a meeting, but it DID take me a while. Hey, I’m timid sometimes, okay? Luckily for me she was open to coming over the water on a few ferries (I live across the water from Seattle) to meet me, since my pregnant self cannot handle a lot of walking up and down hills, and when you’re in Seattle there are always hills.

So she came to my side, and we spent the afternoon chatting over coffee, wandering my favorite antique store (where I bought a gorgeous hat to add to my collection, and which I wrote on Sunday), and raiding my two favorite thrift stores for some good scores. It was SO much fun; I felt like we were more two friends who had known each other forever than basically strangers. Marlen is even prettier, friendlier, and funnier in real life than she is on her blog– and that’s a feat! I only wish I had taken more pictures while we were adventuring. I am SO bad at documenting real life, you guys. I am pretty sure that’ll change when I have a little munchkin to photograph and overload you guys with, but right now I totally forget I even have the camera with me when we go out!


While we were out shopping, we came across a TON of vintage hats, all of which I wanted. I bought one, and when I got home I realized that I have this tendency to buy pretty hats, admire them a ton for the first day of ownership, and then stick them on the shelf with all my other hats and never wear them again.

That has to stop! From now on, it’s my goal to style at least one hat a week in an everyday way, because seriously: I have all of these, and I’ve only ever worn two (now three, yay!) of them in public. And one of them is my wedding veil, so it doesn’t even count.

I love vintage hats; I have an enormous weakness for hats with veils and flowers on them, or the head-clinging ones like this one that unobtrusively add a beautiful detail to your hair (seriously, plop a hat like this on, and you barely have to do ANYTHING to your head!) I’ve determined that the next time I have a good chunk of spending money, I’m going back for more. My favorite antique store has scores of hats priced as low as six dollars, and it’s so easy to find affordable vintage hats there!


Plus, fall is the perfect time to start wearing them! People don’t look at you as funny as they might if you wore this type of hat in the summer; I think since I’ve started now, by the time we get to next year it’ll be normal to people and nobody will even question the things on my head.

Also, I want to wear more floral headbands, and I plan to make some fall-colored ones very soon!7

Meeting Marlen and just chatting with her about blogging made me realize that I really, really want to work on only posting photos I’m happy with and generally improving the blog photographically, organizationally, and content-wise. I’ve been feeling obligated to post just for the sake of posting lately, and I really don’t want to do that any more!

Of course, this means putting more effort into getting dressed, and doing a variety of different things — things other than just sharing outfits. I finally got around to editing that DIY post I mentioned a billion years ago, and I have two or three makeup looks I really want to share, plus I’d love to finally do an easy flower headband tutorial now that I’ve got another supply of flowers to make headbands with.


Blogging is my daily life diary, but it’s also a creative outlet and I just want to make it… better.

Basically, I like to create and display pretty things, and I want to be less lazy (aka, taking photos in more places than just my driveway) in the future so that I’m not publishing posts just because I haven’t posted anything in a while.11

But enough of that! I cannot get over this hat. I’m so in love with it. SO in love. It’s this gorgeous black velvet with those pretty little rhinestones, and I am so glad I got it! Why have I not worn more hats? I really need to.9 10

Do any of you wear vintage hats? Or have you ever wanted to, but you just don’t know how to style them? I’m determined to integrate headwear in general as a daily thing. I think the biggest challenge for me isn’t so much figuring out what to wear a hat with so much as how to do my hair to wear the hat. Although this one’s pretty easy, but I have a top hat (and I admit, that one is more daunting to just style) and I have no idea what to do with my hair. I wore it once a long, long time ago for a blog post, but I’ve never worn it in public!


(old) Target jacket and tights | Vintage hat | Thrifted heels and shoes

Whew. I feel like I just covered a ton in this post. I’m going to have nothing to talk about later! Haha!

I’ll admit, after deliberating I deleted the outfit post I had scheduled for today because I realized I wasn’t happy with the pictures — I took outfit pictures in terrible lighting just because it was the outfit I wore to meet Marlen — and I’m so much more satisfied with this post than I was with the other one!

And I know we all do that. Thankfully.

By the way, if you are in the Seattle area, Marlen and I talked about setting up a Seattle blogger meet-up, maybe somewhere around Pike’s Place, because it would be SO fun to meet more of you! So let me know if you’d like to and we’ll figure something out!

I hope you have a beautiful Monday!


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  • Becca Lee

    Ahem, why was I not invited? Haha, just kidding! I would love to meet both of you though! I love this outfit and think you are rocking the hell out of that hat! Love it!

    Ladyface Blog

  • Melissa McBride

    Yay- two of my favorites together! Love you ‘and’ Marlen. So cool that you guys got to meet up! 🙂


  • Vicki Shuler

    Love your outfit! I think that hat looks lovely on you! It’s so elegant.(: it’s funny that you wrote this post on vintage hats today when I was only just thinking about the same thing yesterday. I have all these hats and fascinators, but I never have the guts to wear them out of the house! I don’t know why, but I can wear a crazy outfit and not feel self-conscious at all, but as soon as I have a hat on my head, I feel so self-conscious. But yesterday, I finally got up the guts to wear one of them out, and I’m really happy I did.
    Ahh, and that’s so cool that you got to meet Marlen!

    decked out in ruffles

  • Amia

    I love your outfit and your hat is gorgeous! I wish I could wear more hats but I always feel like they look silly on my head. I’m excited to see some DIY posts! 🙂

  • Katie Viola

    1) Okay, so you look amazing. LOVE that teal dress on you and those polka dot tights.

    2) I was so gung-ho about blogging at first and was really into making everything “pretty” and aesthetically pleasing. But, I’ve found myself getting lazy and unmotivated. Your post has made me realize I need to get my butt in gear and actually “try” if I want to be happy with my blog. (though, I really am really into reading other peoples’ blogs than maintaining my own).
    3) Seattle meetup, plz? Count me in!

  • Marla Rogers

    Love the entire look, that green is one of my favorites for fall/winter…I was hunting for something in it today when I was thrifting but it is SO HARD to tear myself away from black haha. You are so gorgeous, your skin is flawless, and I die over every outfit you post. Meetups sounds so fun! I feel like I need to branch out more in the blogging community so I can make that happen too. I wish I lived closer to Seattle! It is for sure on my to-do list though, so maybe one day :] Ps that is an amazing hat and I am SO EXCITED for you to style them regularly! I love hats but I never know how to wear them haha.

  • Salazar

    I love hats too (though my weakness is cloches and boater hats) but I never seem to have any where to wear them. Those hats are gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing more of them on here!

  • Jamie Rose

    What is it with hats and their ability to be forgotten so easily? I have a few that hardly ever get worn because I just forget they’re there! But I love hats! I’m definitely going to have to consciously think about wearing them more often because yours is so super cute.

    Also I’m way jealous you got to meet Marlen. I want to meet up with both of you if I’m ever out that way! Though Marlen is from where my extended family is from in Illinois so we might be able to meet up sometime around a holiday. It’s a small world!

    Annnd I know what you mean about blogging just to post something. Although I like to blog a few times a week. I take pictures around my apartment all the time because it takes me so much less time. I’m just too busy with school to go scouting for places to take pictures. Plus there’s always a billion people walking around this town which could get awkward! I always enjoy your posts though. I don’t mind a steady background because I’m more focused on the clothes!