Fashion,  Pregnancy



If ever there was a piece of clothing that embodied joy for me, it would be this skirt. I mean, it’s vintage, it’s twirly, it’s got a quirky but classic print (dandelion fluff?), it’s that irrisistable soft material I love, it’s pleated… I can’t get enough! Joanna from Cut and Chic Vintage sent it to me, and as soon as it arrived I knew it was my soul mate of skirts. So in love.


I had forgotten, too, how much I love this time of year. It was 29 degrees out when I took these pictures (I know, crazy pregnant woman in short sleeves, whatever; it was just for pictures), but it made me SO happy. The grass is all crystallized and crunchy, I can see my breath, I got some serious goosebumps, but I’m in LOVE with this weather. I love the bright pink of the morning clouds when the sun rises, the sharp clarity of the air, the coziness of walking into a warm house, and, of course, all of the Christmas stuff that’s coming out. I’m totally going to give in and decorate our house for Christmas, even though we haven’t even gotten to Thanksgiving.


That, and I had forgotten just how much I love wearing tights. I need to run out and get myself some maternity tights or just some XL sized tights to fit over my belly, because they make my outfits so much more fun. I realized this morning that these are the kind of outfits I live for.


I am officially 8 months pregnant now! That means in 8 weeks, give or take, I’ll have a mini-Mr.-Owl in my arms. I can’t even imagine what that is going to be like, but I am SO excited! I found the perfect little outfit to bring him home in today. It’s the cutest little soft flannel striped footed pajamas with a raccoon on the front and on the feet. I love it, and it’ll be perfect in the super cold weather! There’s a blanket I’ve got my eye on as well.

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Coming into eight months of pregnancy, I should admit there have finally been some uncomfortable symptoms. Things they don’t tell you: your groin area might get so intensely sore from your body’s preperational stretching that it’s hard to turn over in bed. I always thought the whole “I can’t turn over” thing was because the belly just gets too big. But nope. It’s definitely the soreness. It’s starting to become this whole process of “Okay, do I really, really want to turn over or am I good? I’m… good… yeah.” Haha!

That, and I’ve gone back to having to pee 2-3 times during the night. No more sleeping soundly!

And then I’ve started to feel Braxton Hicks, which are kind of annoying. For those of you who don’t know what that is (I didn’t until i started feeling them), Braxton Hicks are basically pre-labor. Like period pains, ish. Mine are not necessarily painful, just more tiring. My stomach starts to feel as though I’ve just used the muscles too long and they’re overtired. 1114

Also, I can no longer reach my feet. At all. So it’s either slip-on shoes, or my husband has to tie my shoes/zip on my boots. Ha! You have no idea how triumphant I felt getting these tights on. Seriously.

And I don’t know if this is just my hair getting longer, pregnancy, or the weather, but my hair no longer stays curled for more than like… five minutes. No matter how much hairspray I use. Sigh.

But hey, if these are the only bad pregnancy symptoms I experience, I am a-ok with that. I’ve been so very blessed with this pregnancy being so easy, and I can only hope that carries over into labor and delivery!


Vintage Skirt c/o Cut and Chic Vintage | Fred Meyer tee shirt | Target tights and (last year) heels | Distinctive short necklace c/o Oasap

I hope you all are having a good week so far! Other than being sick Monday through yesterday, it’s been pretty good for me. Today, I plan to get started on Christmas decorating, which I mentioned. Since I’m trying to spend as little as possible, I’m going to utilize the pine trees around our house for a lot of the decorating (and here’s to hoping I don’t react to them too badly; I’m allergic to trees), and I really hope it turns out well! Thankfully, we have a ton of Christmas lights left over from our wedding, so we don’t have to think about getting those.

Have any of you started Christmas decorating yet? I was trying not to cave in until after Thanksgiving, but sometimes it just can’t be helped! Haha! I let Christmas music get into my house, and now my soul is just crying out for the decorations.

Such is life.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thursday!


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Check out a few of my favorites from Cut and Chic! And guess what! They’re all under $50!




  • Desarae

    Yay for Christmas decorations! I applaud and support your early decorating. 🙂 The skirt is lovely! I really want you to know how much I appreciate your honest-pregnancy tid bits. It has been so good to hear a real, play by play about what it is like (at least one person’s experience). I haven’t had that chance with my girlfriends because they live so far away and, well, I kinda hate phones. Just as a little side note, I would totally not mind a bit if you wrote a lengthy post-labor post- seriously, I would actually love you death if you did because that is one of those taboo things I haven’t been able to ask my mommy friends about! Just a thought. 🙂

    • Eccentric Owl

      Haha, I’m so glad you appreciate the honest pregnancy tidbits! I find that my friends and family really don’t talk about what you should expect, and I am DEFINITELY going to be writing a post labor what-to-expect post! That’s also something I haven’t come across; I did find out some things briefly from my sister-in-law and a few friends, so I might just do a… what they say vs what really happens post! And I’m also planning to write a few “what you really need” posts based on what you personally need after delivery, what the baby really needs, and also what you might find useful during labor and delivery!

      • Desarae

        Wonderful!! I find it irksome that women don’t share more openly about something so beautiful and monumental in their lives. I eagerly await your future posts, excited for you! 🙂

  • jacquelinefrey

    you look so cute! yes, rolling over at night in the last trimester is EVIL. the worst. but can you believe just 8 more weeks?! gah!! it’s going to fly right on by, too, with all the holiday fun coming up.

  • Becca Lee

    I love this outfit so much. I seriously need those tights! I bought a pair of yellow tights once, but they were too sheer so they just made me look jaundiced. It was not pretty. These ones, though, are perfect!

    No Christmas decorations for me quite yet! I love Thanksgiving so much that I like to give it all its glory before I move into Christmas. That said, next weekend I’m planning to do some decorating for sure!

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