Sweet as Cherry Pie
Please vote for me in the Firmoo Blogger Awards contest! All you have to do is click the “vote” button once a day from now till the 14th, and you’re done! No sign-up, no required email address, nothin’! Just a click and done and I will love you forever! I don’t know why, but somewhere along the last year or two, I’ve quit mixing patters as much as I used to. I feel like back in 2012 when I really started getting into my own style, I mixed patterns and colors willy nilly, but then somewhere between then and now, I stopped. I don’t know why; perhaps I was trying to fit in more with bloggers that I loved, perhaps I just got bored, perhaps I started slipping into a different style… whatever the case, I realized this morning when I stumbled upon this fabulous lady that I really needed more patterns on my body at once.
It took me a little while this morning to put together a satisfying mix of pattern. I knew I had to wear this dress today — I found it at the thrift store about a month ago, and while it was kind of long and had frumpy sleeves, I knew I needed it. Especially since it was only a dollar! So I snatched it up, and then finally got around to having my mom help me pin up the hem and the sleeves into a better length.
But I tried one headscarf that just didn’t quite feel right, and then I struggled with my hair for a while because I’m getting impatient with the cut and length, and then I knew I didn’t want to wear a scarf or sweater over the dress because of the cute collar, and it was all going badly until I spotted this particular scarf and cardigan and thought… why not? And I’m pretty pleased with how it looks now!Â
I definitely need to wear a mix of patterns much more often!
Today has not been a very good day so far. Yesterday was kind of a mess of emotions for Asa and me, with a lack of sleep and then some failed attempts to revive the evening after he went to bed, and then quite a few wake-ups during the night, and this morning was even worse. I am pretty sure he’s starting to need naps later in the day — nine instead of eight — because yesterday and today he resisted his usual naptime for an entire hour or more. And I have not been the most patient mama ever this week, since I’ve been getting up earlier than usual and am still getting used to it. This morning I lost my cool when he woke up right as I put him down after around five minutes of rocking, and I had to leave him in his crib so that I could vent into the pillow with a few stressed-out screams. I feel pretty bad about it; it’s not his fault that he’s growing and his naptime is changing, and he’s just a baby.
But it is frustrating when you think he’s finally asleep and as soon as you put him down, he wakes up and cries until you get him up. After a few snacks, though, and an episode or two of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries, we tried again, he fell asleep, I got some alone time and my outfit pictures done, and we both felt much better. This afternoon I will most likely be taking a nap when he does. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart, I tell ya! But the hard hours (or days, or weeks) are definitely worth it. Even on our bad days, Asa is still the happiest little guy I know, and he always knows how to make me feel better.Â
I hope you are all having a much better week than I am! I’m looking forward to getting used to the earlier wake time, and my and Mr. Owl’s anniversary, which is this coming Monday! We’ll be celebrating a little bit this weekend, and a little bit next weekend, and I’m excited! We’re going to send Asa off to Grandma’s house on Friday to spend the night so we can go paint some pottery and then go out for dinner and have the house to ourselves, and then the weekend after that we’ll be taking a little day trip. It should be lots of fun!
Vintage dress, heels, and scarf, thrifted | Target tights and cardigan | heart ring c/o Oasap | Glasses c/o Firmoo
I can’t believe it’s been two years already! The time flew by so fast. And speaking of fast, I can’t believe Asa will be a year old in just a little over a month. THAT is kind of shocking. He’s getting to the stage where he’s growing up quicker than I want him to.
Well, I hope you all have a good day! I’m off to take a short nap and then hopefully have a little bit more sane afternoon than the morning has been! Sleep always helps!
Happy Wednesday!
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Ohhh YAY! This is a glorious pattern clash, and thanks for the link back 😉 I love all the different shades of red happening in this outfit and that spotty sweater is gorgeous 😀
I’ve tried to comment on this post a few times now, and each time I come up speechless. I don’t think I could do justice to how much I love this. I feel like each successive post of yours becomes my new favorite, and I’m seriously drooling over this dress. The pattern clash is great, but I’d love to see it shine on its own too!