This last week has been a crazy busy one because we were planning Asa’s first birthday party (pictures coming tomorrow!) and as a result my husband and I didn’t ever get a chance to grab outfit shots over the weekend. Not that I really dressed up much. I have basically been wearing the same dress all week (thank you, all-day pregnancy sickness and laziness…)
But I did make one effort today to up my style game… and it failed miserably. Before I go back to dark brown, I wanted to try one crazy color in my bleached-over hair. I had thought I would do purple, but after Googling a certain color brand and seeing this picture, I decided pink would better suit me. I was pretty hopeful after how well red worked, but the color I chose said not to use developer (which has bleach in it), so we didn’t. But, as you can see, it didn’t really take. My hair is now about four different colors — pink, peach, red, brown — and I don’t know if this is due to pregnancy, the color that was already in it, or what. Who knows. I really don’t care that much; at this point, my hair has been so worked over that I’m ready to take it to the chopper’s, get a new haircut, and darken out all the colors. And possibly use this as inspiration for the cut. Even though I really, really am reluctant to cut off any length; the ends are so shot, it really needs a good working-over to trim out all the dead, fried stuff.
But I should consider myself lucky; after 10 years of messing around with my hair, this is the first real “disaster” (if it can be counted as a disaster) that has happened, and it’s really not that bad. In real life, the color variance isn’t quite as noticeable, and when it’s piled up in a bun I actually kind of like it.
Dress, thrifted | scarf and brooch, c/o Oasap | shoes, Modcloth | glasses, c/o Firmoo
I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging as much! Pregnancy and all that. I’m getting past the bad phase, but I’m still pretty tired most days and I’m looking forward to the second trimester and having more energy.
What have you all been up to? Happy Monday!
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(update: after going back to the mirror, I realized that for some reason, the camera captured my hair SO badly. Here’s a better depiction of the pink, and I like it much more after inspecting it further. )
Lovely dress! Looking forward to birthday pics and seeing your maternity style. Especially as my pregnancy has been confirmed!
Eccentric Owl
Awww, congratulations Pam! Super exciting that we can be pregnant together! How far along are you? I hope you’re feeling well!
I am doing well, just really fatigued! Only 4 weeks, so I expect nausea is next.
Eccentric Owl
The fatigue was always my least favorite part! Hopefully that will pass, and I’m hoping your morning sickness doesn’t last too long! Weeks 6-10 are usually the worst for me.
Jamie Rose
I think the pink hair is fun. I’d use one with developer next time if you want a true pink but this is fun for just playing around! It’s amazing how different it looks in the indoor photo. You look super cute here in your little white dress and plaid scarf too.
Hope you start feeling less sickly soon!
Jamie |
Eccentric Owl
Yeah, I was going to use a developer but then the instructions said SEVERAL times not to, as well as reviews online. So I didn’t, and now I wish I had.
Thank you! I’ve felt a little better today, thankfully, and I’m hoping it continues!
The fun thing about hair is that it’s never really a disaster unless you’ve shaved it all off! I think it’s perfectly acceptable to go a little crazy once in a while (I once bleached my hair for Halloween, then dyed it fuchsia).
Be careful using chemical dyes during pregnancy, though!
<3 dani
Eccentric Owl
Haha, that’s very true! (And I have a friend who shaved her head, and even that wasn’t a disaster… but she’s one of the few I know who can pull that off.)
It’s actually quite safe to use dyes while pregnant — unless you’re sitting in heavy fumes, there is no way the dye can get into your body and harm the baby. Even bleach is okay, as long as you’re well-aired-out!
Heather Gwinn
Ahh I was fuchsia for a while. At the time, it didn’t suit me. I’d love to try a version of pink someday but probably something more in the candy pink area. I have to say that I actually really like the pink on you. You have this complexion that seems to do several colors very nicely!
I could really use a hair cut myself but have been reluctant to do the same. On one hand when I give my hair a major 24 hour conditioner bath in a shower cap it does drastically help. But I could do with about 2 1/2 inches off. *sigh* Curse you Accutane you’re drying me up!! Love the hair cut you picked out though ♥