
The River and the Rocks | Adventure

Yesterday, we went up to Green Mountain to hike to the river. We didn’t get a lot of pictures, but I did get to shoot a little video of our adventure. Deciding what to wear was easy; this blue dress basically feels like a tee, and my colorful tennis shoes were a must. Maybe it’s a little funny to be wearing a dress on a hike, but hey: I would have been way more uncomfortable in jeans! And probably a bit too warm, too.

Asa absolutely loved the river. He wanted to “take a bath” in every little stream leading up to the river, and then was obsessed with throwing rocks into the water. We traversed the bridge to toss rocks down I don’t even know how many times.

Green Mountain is a really great hike for me; I’m working on building muscle and stamina, but I’m still not too fit on that scale so a more leisurely hike is right up my alley! You don’t gain a lot of altitude on this hike, and a lot of it is really easy walking. But there are always little hills and trails you can take off the main path, and add to the adventure of it. Of course, having the baby and the toddler, we didn’t take any of the crazier trails.

But, it was still fun. Definitely worth visiting if you live in the area!

Happy Saturday!


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