Snow White
It’s Halloween! I hope you are all having a good day. For me, well… no candy, no treats, no nothing! I’ve been really lax about how I’ve been eating the last few days,…
Love and Fall Leaves
On Sunday, my husband and I went in search of some good fall trees to shoot photos, and we found the perfect location in the parking lot of a school close to where…
Flower Child
Do you ever have those days where you have all the pictures, but nothing to say? This is one of those days. I think I might be a reincarnation of my mom’s highschool…
Where the wild roses grow
I think I am now addicted to head accessories, you guys. Wearing the one hat has just led to this feeling that no outfit is quite complete without something on my head. And…
All the fancy things
You guys, I think buying that one hat has started something serious. I’ve been getting up every morning thinking “Okay, what should I wear on my head with my outfit?” I have such…