Grown Up Minnie
Growing up, I didn’t read a lot of superhero comic books or watch many cartoons. I remember most often grabbing the latest edition of Archie from the library or, occasionally, buying it at…
Nailing It + The Leibster Award
Girls, prepare yourselves for a photo-heavy post (for me) because there are three things that are going to make this a longer post than the norm: I am wearing a 1940’s crushed velvet…
Shaped by Style: Polkadots
Happy Monday! I’m over at Shaped by Style today with my first non-pregnant SBS post EVER… in polka dots. What else? 😉 Bloglovin|Facebook|Twitter|Pinterest|Instagram|Fiction Press|Etsy|Photography
Pattern mixing polka dots | Shaped by Style
Happy Memorial Day! Today I’m over at Shaped by Style in this fantastic dress from Hannah, sharing a semi-awkward picture and talking about my addiction to polka dots and pattern mixing. Have a…
Mixing polka dots and florals… again.
Yesterday morning, Asa woke up hysterically crying and clingy. This is really unusual for him (I’ve heard some kids just always wake up on the wrong side of the bed, but he usually…