Snow White
It’s Halloween! I hope you are all having a good day. For me, well… no candy, no treats, no nothing! I’ve been really lax about how I’ve been eating the last few days,…
1960’s Houndstooth
I could have titled this post “how to create a retro outfit from modern garments”, because despite my love of vintage, nothing in this outfit is older than 3 years. I actually just…
Weekend Wishlist: Modcloth Uniquely You style challenge edition
Myrtlewood Sacramento Style Skirt by eccentric-owl featuring low pumps Last week, I was asked to participate in Modcloth’s Uniquely You campaign by creating a look around this super cute skirt. Of course, being…
All the fancy things
You guys, I think buying that one hat has started something serious. I’ve been getting up every morning thinking “Okay, what should I wear on my head with my outfit?” I have such…
Movie Review: Jane Eyre 2011
Before I delve into the review, let me give you a little background story. Jane Eyre has been my absolute favorite book since I was eight years old. I first read the Young…